Hello My Lovelies,
So did any of you fall for any silly April Fools jokes?
Don’t be embarrassed to share. We won’t tease you. This is a loving, caring and supportive community and we empathize with each other. Muwahaha!
Wow – I almost believed myself up ^^^ there. OF COURSE we’re gonna’ tease you – that’s what we do here on nittyGriddy ;). But we do it in the name of love, care and support.
Smart & Sneaky April Foolers
Speaking of April Fool’s, I came across a few fun and creative articles on Friday that I think you’ll enjoy.
Bonsai Boy Danny Brown – who if I might add, looked incredibly perrrty with his new hairdo on Friday – wrote an ALMOST believable piece about Twitter banning the use of the hashtag. You may want to read this to find out the cracked up reason that Danny concocted for why Twitter did so. It’s funny, smart as hell, and had it not been a joke, it could have oddly made some sense lol.
Have you ever wanted to have the brain of a Social Media Guru? Well, search no more. Lisa Thurell from Off The Grid PR shows us exactly how Danny Brown’s brain can be transplanted with the use of the Guru Brain Sucking Machine. Seriously, you don’t want to miss this post. Plus, you get to see just how perrrty DB looked with his ummm…new make-over lol. Kudos to Aunt Gini for sending this piece my way. I’m glad I didn’t miss this!
The ever-so chipper Jay Dolan from The Anti-Social Media wrote a great sarcastic piece on why you should follow everyone so you never miss anything again. Not only that, but he completely transformed his site for the occasion. I hope it’s still there for you today cause Mr. Anti-Social went all lovey-dovey and became Mr. Social Friendly – with hearts and all! Nicely done! A definite must read and see.
Over at PostcardMania there was an official announcement that their postcards would be made from manure from now on. Processed horse poop to be exact – as it seems the environmentally friendly horse shit has a patented scent-reduction technology which makes the new postcards smell like roses. ALMOST! A very creative and short blog post. Nice to know those folks have a good sense of humor.
Okay, I think 4 posts loaded with fun crap (pun intended) is enough. I have one more useful musing for you before you go on to enjoy the feast of link love.
Instapaper to the Resuce
How many of you have had their computers or open tabs crash this week?
If you’re a Mac user – butt out of this cause I know you’re gonna’ brag about how Mac doesn’t crash, Mac doesn’t get viruses, Mac rules, Mac blah blah blah! And I believe you on all those counts. But I’m still a PC gal and I like my “Windows” the way they are – even though there are times I want to stomp it to death while yelling out obscenities before throwing it over the balcony of a one hundred-storey high rise.
What can I say – I’m just peacefully stubborn that way I guess.
Okay, rant over…breathe deeply…and now back on track…
My 99+ open tabs have crashed twice this week and my Shockwave whatchamacallit plugin another 2 or 3 times. You can imagine the look on my face each time they did. Priceless = understatement!
So of course, I was telling my Virtual BFF and gal pal Gini Dietrich, how livid I was when she replied with ONE wise word of wisdom…
I so could have kissed my Aunt Gini for that tip but I settled with bunch of virtual hugs and “I love you’s” lol. Oh, before I forget, she’s got another two kick-ass blogging tools for you today over at SpinSucks.
If you’re like me and have a tendency to open an unimaginable number of tabs – to the point where they’re so small you need specs to see them, then Instapaper might be the knight in shining armor that you need.

It’s a simple tool that allows you to save web pages on your computer, Kindle, iPhone and iPad so that you can come back and read them later. Brankica, I just saw your face light up when I said Kindle here so by all means, feel free to send virtual Roma kisses my way.
Now, I know what you’re thinking – “bookmarks Ingrid!” Well it’s not the same – trust me.
All you have to do is drag their icon to your bookmark’s bar and tadaaaa. Whenever you’re on a page that you don’t have time to read, you just click on “Read Later” and it will save it for you. You can even create folders to put each page in as I did. I now have a folder called “SuperPost Sunday” :).
Alright, enough talking. If you want to know more about Instapaper – you’ll just have to head over there and find out for yourself. I doubt that you’ll be sorry. Heck, you may even send a few virtual hugs my way afterwards ;).
Time for the Goods…
“Without further ado and blah blah,” here are this Sunday’s rockin’ SuperPosts on all things Social Media, Blogging Tips, SEO, Internet Marketing, Traffic Building, Online Money Making Tools and more.
Social Media
This is the question that eventually gets asked by every person and every company trying Twitter for the first time. In the height of your initial frustrations, you may be wondering … is Twitter really for me…
When I look at my Twitter feed or my Facebook wall I sometimes feel I work for the United Nations. Races, religions, languages, cultures, you name them, they are there. Danny Brown recently exposed…
Back in the day, if you wanted to know how successful your marketing had been you had to use expensive and time-consuming analysis. You might have spent time putting together a direct mail package…
When I first started studying the principles of inbound marketing and social media, I was struck with the number of media I ‘just had to implement’ based on everything I was hearing from the experts. From Facebook, to blogging…
I received an email this week from Dave Wellman, who is struggling with a problem experienced by many social media newcomers. His question: “How does a real unknown like me get the big name social media marketers…
Blogging Tips
The internet provides a wonderful platform for free speech…I love that. But with it, comes a natural breeding ground for perpetrators and counterfeits. There is one area where bad information is festering more…
To share or not to share…There has been some debate on whether or not it is a good idea to share your personal life on your blog. For some of you, the nature of your blog may dictate the answer to this question…
I have been thinking about this topic for a long time. I tried to keep my inner voice to myself, but if you have read my blog before, you surely noticed that my inner voice has a bullhorn. I say what I think…
My first contact with blogging was way back in 2003. Back then blogging was just a hobby and a medium for expression. It was beautiful. Then in July of 2010 I stepped into the professional realm of blogging…
I was surfing YouTube the other day and ran into an old video I really love. As soon as I heard the song, I was reminded of We Blog Better blog. Yes, call me crazy, but some blogs just have music written all over them…
When I started using Live Writer over a year ago, I could take it or leave it. But since Live Writer’s recent upgrade, I use it nearly exclusively. When I’m forced to use WordPress, I want to kick the screen with frustration…
I see it all the time, why even some of the more prolific bloggers do it! It amazes me and it shocks me, so I want to help remedy it, because to be honest – it’s not doing anyone any good. What exactly am I talking about…
Most SEO professionals have very definite ideas about the Internet. For example, many believe SEO is essential for any website to succeed – whether the business is limited to delivering three blocks or thirty…
Traffic Building
Everyone wants Traffic. But not everyone really knows what Traffic they want, or why they want it. And many are very happy when they get one type of Traffic…But what they really need is another type of Traffic altogether…
Internet Marketing
This is one of those videos that can be taken the wrong way if you don’t watch from start to finish. I realize it’s a long video, but I felt it was necessary to get my points across. Below, I offer my opinions…
Lately I’ve been on a happiness kick. I’ve been going over various projects, activities, and aspects of my lifestyle and asking myself, Does this really make me happy? Many people say that happiness comes from…
What’s your passion? Is it a passion for passion? Do you make money from that passion? Are you so passionate about it that you run 10k races in your wool Men’s Warehouse suit? Or jump into the air…
Admitting that I’m a bit drunk at the time of writing is probably not the most professional way of starting an article, ain’t it? OK, I’m not really drunk because it would be difficult to put some decent words together…
In the flood of information that we encounter every day (often a courtesy of the Internet:) we get often sidetracked from doing what’s most important. So I have decided to write 7 Most Important Things To Do Everyday…
What sets your business apart from others? What keeps your clients coming back for more? Even better, what makes people talk about your business and want to share their stories about it with others…
As a creative person, you pride yourself on doing things differently, ditching the template, and standing apart from featureless, clustered, homogeneous masses. But what if your shunning of the status quo is actually…
Mediocrity- a disease that is spreading slowly through the ranks of communication professionals across the country. It is infiltrating employees, products, services, and communication strategy…
I was in Santiago de Chile to interview students and experts for my master’s thesis, when my husband dropped the bomb: he wasn’t sure if he would still be happy with me in the long run. I was 26 years old and heading…
“He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.” – Raymond Hull. Standing up for yourself is a trait that people admire in today’s society, even if they hate it when they’re the one that you’re standing…
[image credit: via animationgrahics.bestblogsonline.net]
On Commenting and My Top 2 April (S)Talkers
If you know anything about me, then you know how I love meaningful comments – both getting them and leaving them.
Much like people are the life of a party, I believe that comments are the life of a blog. Of course, I’m not talking about the bullshit drive-by’s that simply say, “hey, great post”. But then again, take a look at this blog and others like Aunt Gini’s, Mufasa’s, Bonsai Boy’s, Surfin’ Srini’s, Mark Schaefer’s, JF’s, Mark Harai’s…and you’ll see what I’m talking about when I say meaningful!
These blogs as well as others are the epitome of community involvement and engagement.
Because besides being the friendly and intelligent peeps that they are, they also take the time to reply in kind and leave some thoughtful comments when they’re inspired by a blog post.
Stuart Mills from Unlock the Door, recently published a fantastic list post of 20 bloggers who you’d want to comment on your blog and why. It’s a definite must read and another great example of community participation.
I also second the people he’s mentioned in there!
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, YES…I made the list ;).
You will often hear that the gold is in the comments – and it couldn’t be more true.
Because you will find a ton of value in what others are saying – even more so than in the actual post. I don’t mean to take away from the author here but one reflection leads to another, one topic or opinion leads to a discussion, one head leads to 2, 3, 4 and more. And more heads is always better than one!
I rarely skip the comments section of a post that’s intrigued or inspired me somehow. It’s where I occasionally find new ideas for blog posts; it’s where I connect with like-minded individuals; it’s where I learn from and about a commenter; it’s where I get my chance to unleash my 1000 word novella’s lol.
But I’m getting way ahead of myself here. This post isn’t about comments and commenting in general – you’ll be seeing one or two of these from me in the near future ;). I mean heck, I can’t possibly be the only blogger not to write about that topic – especially with my commenting reputation ;).
I know today is generally dedicated to my kick-ass Bring IT! series, but I wanted the chance to feature my top 2 commenters for the month of April who combined have left about 70 comments! Seriously – that’s pretty frickin’ impressive!
Top Commenters Widget Plus a Medal
A little while ago, I installed the Top Commenters Widget so as to showcase my 20 Top Talkers (or friendly stalkers lol) of the month. If you’re not familiar with this plugin, check it out. It’s a great way to reward your active commenters and build excitement to entice others to join the discussion.
Of course, there will always be those who try and compete for first place like (cough) Bran, Jamey and Marcus – which makes it all the more fun ;).
But what I did differently here, is have it include a little shabby lookin’ medal next to the name of those folks who have commented 7 or more times within a particular month. But it seems I”ve underestimated the wonderful community I’ve built here for I’ve come to realize that 7 is way too easy! So I’m up-ing it to 10!
Don’t get me wrong, I”m tremendously flattered because what this means is:
You see – even more proof that it’s not simply about talking with the author – but about talking with each other.
Anyhow, this blog saw quite a few comments from numerous folks this past month. But don’t take my word for it, have a look for yourself.
And those are just the folks who have commented 6 or more times. There’s quite the list that comes beneath these 20 but I figured you didn’t want to be scrolling till tomorrow Ha!
Griddy’s Top 2 Friendly Stalkers for April
In the world of blogging – having a friendly stalker (FS) is a great thing – it’s like an honor. It’s what every blogger aspires to attract on their blog. They’re no regular Spammy Stalkers – they’re the cream of the crop; the elitists!
The friendly stalker is one that is sharp and witty; one that supports you and engages with you and others in the comments; one that leaves well-thought out and often thought-provoking view points; one that is opinionated; one that is respectful; one that appreciates you and your work regardless of whether they agree with you or not…basically, an FS is the stalker you want to have and want to become!
Acknowledging my commenters allows me to ONE – thank them for their continued loyalty and TWO – reward them for their efforts and support.
Although I’d love to give out cash prizes, “real” gold medals and cases of wine – I’m afraid throwing a little link juice their way will have to do for now. But once I become the Onassis of the Internet, which of course I will then rename the “Gridnet” lol, you can expect all those things and more ;)!
My good friend Mufasa has definitely been marking his territory over here at nittyGriddy and elsewhere. This past month, he left 40 fantabulous comments for me and my readers. If he wasn’t a gazillion miles away right now, I would have probably suffocated him with a big old hug. So I guess a virtual one will have to do for now (sigh).
If you’ve visited this blog before or read any of my SuperPost Sunday’s, then you’re bound to have seen Marcus’s name and articles mentioned here. He’s the definition of a community builder and nurturer – and incredible quality that I’d like to think we share in common. Marcus’s story-telling ability is truly impressive as he manages to captivate you from start to finish in each one of his insightful blog posts.
It’s no wonder he’s the ROI of Inbound Marketing for his public speech skills and charisma are so magnetic that they draw you in and make you want to know more about the main man behind the golden mane. Not only is Marcus the driving force behind the popular and much talked about blog, The Sales Lion – but he is also the owner of the very successful swimming pool company, River Pools and Spas. And if that’s not enough, he single-handedly turned his company blog into the #1 swimming pool blog in the world. Now if that’s not impressive, I don’t know what is.
I hear that if you buy a fiberglass pool from him he will personally give you ferocious sales tips and swimming lessons hehe.
Seriously though, if you don’t already follow my favorite cat, then shame on you! I suggest you go follow him on Twitter, fan him on Facebook and religiously read his blog – basically, start stalking him immediately!
These are Mufasa’s last 3 articles:
Congrats M on being the #1 commenter of the month!
I had the pleasure of connecting with the Empress Davina, also known as “the queen of Acronyms” a few months ago over at Aunt Gini’s blog (if my memory serves me right). And let me tell ya folks, this fabulous PR lady is about as sharp and witty as they come.
It was hard for me not to notice Davina as her straight-forward, lengthy, Griddy-style comments were just about everywhere I turned. Actually, she left 29 of them on this blog in April!
Besides having to check out my comment competitor, I just had to know who the funny lady behind the solo PR company, 3Hats Communications was! After all, she had me LOLing and looking up acronyms in the dictionary almost every time I read something of hers – whether in a comment or in her smart, no BS, tell it like it is, Public Relations and Social Media blog.
Davina is pretty much the poster child for engagement. She can find something meaningful to say in any discussion and add on to any conversation creating a mile-long thread. She’s also a fine example of what a rant should look like. Seriously people – if you haven’t read one of her well-crafted, witty and humorous posts, you’re missing out! Much like the famous Redhead, the empress can bitch-slap the heck out of a topic and somehow do it with poise and humor.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it, check out Davina’s last 3 articles:
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to start soaking in her insights and stalking her if you don’t already. But I will make your life easier by leading you directly to her Twitter and her awesome blog.
Congrats Davina on being the #2 commenter of the month!
[image credit: Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com]