About the Author

Ingrid Abboud aka 'Griddy' is a whole lot of things with a ridiculous amount of interests. For one, I'm a Social Media enthusiast with a tremendous passion for writing and blogging. I'm also a pretty cool Copywriter but a more serious MarCom Consultant. But most of all, I'm the proud owner and driving force behind nittyGriddy.com - A Kinda Social Media Journal with Net News & more.

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  • http://www.adorabletots.co.uk nursery furniture manchester

    I don’t think either sound too easy, but the second one sounds more useful and more interesting. You can do interesting experiments in communication skills and you may be able to use it in the future. I don’t think the first prof will simply let you watch TV since I think that’s what he thinks people will think of his course. So, he probably feels the need to make it more important than it is—-and you know how great courses with professors like that are. I also think that disagreeing with the premise of the course,

  • http://franstips.com/2011/04/Deep-Link-And-SEO-Ssearch-Engines Fran Aslam

    Hi Ingrid

    Woke up this morning and turned on my computer, my Twitter cam up and first thing I noticed your tweet, clicked and came here. Another awesome post of similar nature I read last night. You will have to turn your blog into a book, to be read for ever. I can not believe one person does it all. You have great powers in you. By the way awesome post.

    Fran A

  • Kidderupdates

    I loved reading all these comments! Great article discussions.

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  • http://wassupblog.com Sire

    Ingrid I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions or in making goals. I’ve done pretty well without them all these years so I reckon if it’s worked so far why the heck change now.

    At least I can be happy in the knowledge that I’ve never failed a goal or not met a resolution and they’re ain’t all that many people that can say that.

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Sire,
      It’s nice to see you in these parts :).

      I’m not big on making resolutions or setting goals for myself either. The main reason probably being that I often don’t follow through or am scared to “fail” with the challenges I’ve set for myself.

      But I thought sharing these publicly might give me the extra push I need to take this blog to the next level – something that I really hope and want to do.

      I don’t have any general everyday life resolutions except for one day soon to quit smoking – and maybe a few others. But they don’t dictate my lifestyle.

      I have no problem in failing actually. It’s not that I’m satisfied with failing, quite the contrary. But I would rather keep trying. So if I “fail” or don’t accomplish some of the one’s I’ve set for myself here – it’s okay. But I know, that I want to try as hard as I can to achieve them.

      I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts Sire. Nice to have you here.
      Hope 2011 is treating you well so far.


  • http://www.bizchickblogs.com Tia Peterson

    Holy Cow. I don’t think that I could possibly write comments as long as yours, Gail’s, or Patricia’s. LOL Even if I had all day long there’s no way I could. The funny thing is that it’s not like I do a whole lot of commenting and so I just comment and run. I actually just do not have that many words to share. :)

    That said, the resolution for my blog was simple – to connect with more women so that the blog becomes something of importance to them. What you wrote in response to Alex re: Facebook fans is really important – numbers only mean so much. I’m much more interested in real readers, too. Not that other pro bloggers aren’t real readers, but there is something significant about having a large pool of readers who read a blog every day just because they like it, and not for a link or to get on a list. So that is what I am after this year.

    2010 was wonderful and awesome, but there is so much more in store for 2011 and I cannot wait to get moving on it!

    Cheers girl!


    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hahaha Holy Cow is right Tia!

      Gail and Patricia have indeed set quite the bar here and elsewhere. Okay, maybe me too lol. I’ve come to be quite known to leave novel-lengths comments but hey…

      I think you have tons of great words to share and you prove that everyday with your exceptionally insightful posts on your blog (and elsewhere) and with comments such as this one! YaY and I love it! Thank you :).

      Your resolution sounds fantastic! What a brilliant target to reach out to hehe. Your blog is already a main source of information to many women (and men) and I’m sure will continue growing. And by the way Congrats again on the redesign and category expansions. It looks great. Very enticing.

      As for having loyal readers who visit because they truly enjoy the readings – I couldn’t agree more.

      It’s not simply about getting links and getting on lists (although – sure these are great too) – it’s about the genuine connections you make and the feedback you get from your readers. It’s about communicating with your audience and giving them a chance to contribute their own 2 cents. And of course a lot more but I’ll spare you my list of “what it’s about” which could easily turn into a book here lol.

      Best of luck to you in all that you undertake. I’m sure we’ll be seeing even greater things grom you and your team this year.

      Hope 2011 has started off well for you. Wishing you loads of success Tia.

      Always a pleasure to see you here and I’ll be looking forward to more of these super comments hehe.


  • http://www.thetop10blog.com/ Tony Hastings

    Hi Ingrid, I have one main Social Media resolution I will share with you. I am going to leave comments on at least 2 posts I find interesting every day. I know I have been guilty of reading loads of great stuff and then letting myself, and the author down by not having the courtesy of letting them know what I think.

    So we both lose out, the author is robbed of the joy of receiving a witty comment and I lose out on a valuable link back to my blog and maybe making an amazing new contact/friend, what a waste. So I am starting here although I find this a bit of a daunting place to make a start in view of the amazing comments that you, and many of your commenters make. Somehow ‘Great post Ingrid’ seems a little inadequate so I am aiming for something a little more substantial (how am I doing so far?).

    Seriously though I admire the work that has gone into preparing your list of things you want to achieve and I wish you well, I am sure you will make great strides forward this year.

    My SM resolutions are fewer and simpler, 1) Engage more with comments (I was serious about that!). 2) Be more organised and less easily distracted by e mail and Tweetdeck notifications, I actually started this comment 3 days ago, see what I mean. 3) Aim for the best quality content that I can and 4) Keep the blog fresh, innovative and constantly moving forward. Like some of yours they are a bit vague but it works for me.

    Terrific blog Ingrid and I am looking forward to watching you develop and ticking off your list as the year progresses, enjoy the ride!!


    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Tony, you’re doing brilliantly well so far and all the way till the last word of that awesome comment lol! Awesome!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and leave your super words and resolutions :).

      I gotta tell ya – I like your main resolution in regards to commenting. If they look anything close to or like the one you left here – then WOOT and bring em on!

      Personally, and like anyone I presume – I love receiving comments that add value and that share the thoughts of my readers. Plus, I always make sure to reply to each one. Not because I have to (although it’s encouraged) but because I want to and enjoy doing so.

      There is so much you can learn from other people’s comments – both about them in general and about the topic at hand. And like you said – it’s a way to get to meet and make new friends.

      Your resolutions seem very feasible and I have no doubt you’ll accomplish every one of them. I share the one about being easily or less distracted. I tend to try and juggle a few pages or things at a time as well. I should work on that too. Thanks for the reminder :).

      I’m thrilled that you liked this list of resolutions or more like “challenges” as Jamey would say. It’s a long one but I’m hoping to achieve as many as I can – slowly but surely.

      It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and your awesome blog. I’ll be looking forward to getting you a GP soon :).

      Cheers to a very healthy and successful 2011. May it be everything you expect and more.

      Always nice to see you around these parts. Now that you’ve made that resolution public, I’ll be looking out to see around both here and pretty much everywhere haha.

      All the best

  • http://twitter.com/lorigosselin Lori Gosselin

    Hi Ingrid,
    Thanks for this post and for your honesty and candour “last year, when my blog had 3 readers,”. One of my resolutions is to get my blog going (started in November ’10) and there are two more: build my healing practice and get my manuscript ready for publishing. Lots of fun stuff in 2011!
    All the best!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Lori,

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your kind words and resolutions with me and my readers. Appreciated.

      It’s true – my blog had no more than a few readers this time last year when I started it. I had no clue as to what blogging entailed and how to go about promoting it in a not so shameful way lol.

      A lot of reading and listening is what helped me. Learning from those folks who have done it all before and who excel in it. Asking them questions. Getting to know them by engaging with them in meaningful comments and conversations. Following their advice but looking into more alternatives as well. These things and more will help you get to where you want to go – slowly but surely.

      Best of luck to you in building your practice and publishing your book. Sounds awesome and I’m sure they both will be a great success. Do let us know your progress along the way and when they’re both up and running.

      As for starting your blog. Let me put it this way:
      “It was the best decision I ever made!”

      Hope 2011 is filled with health and success for you. Good luck in all your undertakings.
      Looking forward to seeing you around these parts more often.


  • Anonymous

    If and when you find someone to do your facebook page – let me know Ingrid!
    Also, with 800 fans already – I think I should be asking you a thing or two about what I need to to more of.

    Awesome list – brilliant blogger – Bring on 2011!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Alex,
      Great to see you here!

      I actually have a few people/companies in mind – I would be happy to share them with you if you like. Let me know and I’ll email you their site links :).

      As for my Facebook Group fans – I’m thrilled with that number but I’m looking to have some more engagement on there as well.

      In general – all the numbers in the world don’t mean much if there is no activity from their part and therefore I would rather have the peeps that contribute and engage – even if it means there is less of them (but of course the high numbers are indeed flattering and am happy to have each and every one of them). So I guess I must be doing something right hehe.

      I’ve been lucky to have many of those so far and am hoping for more in 2011 – both on Facebook and on Twitter.

      Thank you for your encouraging comment Alex. It’s always a pleasure to have you here Mr. Whalley. You’re a brilliant blogger yourself and I learn so much from you in each of your posts. I call Ana Hoffman “The Tzarina of SEO” and you are no different “Mr. King of SEO” :).

      Wishing you a very successful 2011.


  • http://twitter.com/GrowMap Internet Strategist

    I’ve started to write a comment for this post and been interrupted each time. The challenge is that this post is so complex. It reminds me of someone else I know (me) whose posts are almost books. One of my 2011 resolutions is to publish shorter posts more frequently which is something I’ve been struggling with for years now. :-)

    I have a suggestion to help with one of your toughest resolutions – quitting smoking. I once recommended to a neighbor that a if he wanted to reduce his cravings for tobacco that he pick up some inexpensive chromium at any health food store. That is plain chromium – not chromium picolinate which is often found in diet products.

    He had mentioned his unhappiness that he was up to dipping a can a day while planting that year (trying to work all night or longer than usual hours is a major reason for increased cravings). I told him about chromium and a week later he stopped me on the road raving about how he had tried the chromium and one can had lasted him over a week without him even thinking about it.

    I can assist with your Alexa goal as I know already know how to get your Alexa below 30,000 as I watched as Kristi pushed hers under 10,000, saw what she did and now have mine below 20,000. Connect with me and I’ll elaborate.

    I recently read that Mailchimp prohibits affiliate links and some have lost their access because of it. What many bloggers do not realize is how many other bloggers have redirected affiliate links. The reason that matters is that even if YOU do not use any affiliate links, what if you link to someone who did? That might get you banned. I have some links about that or just search for +Mail Chimp +affiliate or +Mailchimp +AWeber.

    I have researched email list management solutions thoroughly for over a decade and AWeber is always what wins out. Andrew Rondeau has an entire chapter on using AWeber in his Income Blogging Guide (the only course I have ever recommended on how to make money blogging.) The only other solution I would like to pursue further is the new capabilities built into FeedBlitz (an excellent alternative to FeedBurner).

    One thing I love is CommentLuv. Do you really like Disqus better? I researched posts comparing Intense Debate, Disqus and CommentLuv a while back and almost every one of the blogs that originally used the others now has CommentLuv installed. I wrote all about why I love it in How CommentLuv grows businesses and blogs.

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      WOW Gail! Now that’s what I call a fantastically lengthy and extremely valuable comment!

      I couldn’t press “Like” enough times here :).

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insightful advice. I’ll be taking everything you said into consideration. Coming from you – it would be outright crazy not to lol :).

      Alas, I’ve become quite known for my novel lengths posts and comments. But I figure as long as they’re entertaining enough to read and include useful information then I’m okay. But I am aiming at writing some shorter posts – especially with my Guest Posts which are usually subject to some kind of a word limit.

      As for your “quiting smoking” advice – I had never heard of chromium as an effective option – thank you so much – I will be looking more into that. I’ve never tried taking anything actually – even the famous Nicorette gum and patches or the Commit lozenges that they sell at CVS and other places like that.

      I will most definitely be talking to you about my Alexa ranking as well. You are too generous with your help and advice. I really appreciate it. Your and Kristi’s (as well as a few others) are very impressive and I’d love to improve mine by doing the right things. I’ve been slacking when it comes to all things SEO and keyword searches. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t even run a keyword search beforehand and have only recently started utilizing the basic SEO tactics. That’s why these 2 are a big goals for me this upcoming year.

      I focussed a lot more on the style of my writing and the content when it wouldn’t hurt to give them a little nudge with other techie tools.

      I was looking into MailChimp a few weeks ago and went through their pricing plans and offerings. But I had no clue of the affiliate constraints that come with it. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

      Actually, I’ve read a lot more posts about AWeber from people who know what they’re doing and saying (such as Andrew) and therefore thought I would give them a go. But I’ll make sure to read some more either way.

      As for FeedBlitz – I’m not familiar with it – but will check it out. I use FeedBurner here. I had seen FeedBlitz mentioned in one of your posts actually. BTW – I also use G.A.S.P instead of Akismet (and have been for a while) – thanks to you and Andy :).

      I couldn’t agree more about ComLuv – I actually already have the plugin installed but as you know it is not compatible with Disqus. My blog is in the process of being redesigned as we speak by one of Headway’s very talented team members and developers. Once it’s up and running, I fully intend to switch to ComLuv. I think it’s a fantastic commenting system with benefits for both blogger and commentator. It seems to be the more popular choice these days and I’m excited to start using it soon.

      I really appreciate you stopping by here Gail and leaving such an amazing comment filled with useful tips and encouraging advice. Thank you!

      Will be talking to you soon.

      Hope 2011 is treating you well so far.
      All the best

  • Pingback: Social Media Weekend: Social Media Marketing Resolutions for 2011 | DreamGrow Social Media

  • http://BasicBlogTips.com Ileane

    Hey Ingrid. Happy New Year. You go girl, that’s a heck of a list. I wish you the best of everything for 2011!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Ileane,
      Great to see you here :).

      A very Happy 2011 to you and your family. Hope it’s everything you expect and more.

      I’ve got my work cut out for me this year. Gonna’ try my damn hardest to achieve as many of these as I can. I may not get to all of them but I’m hoping for most!

      Any Social Media resolutions for you?


  • http://twitter.com/ElisesReview Elise M

    Hi Ingrid!

    You get THUNDER in WINTER? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen here. :)

    Plus NO internet? Well, that’s just the crappiest thing ever haha!

    I really like all of your New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I almost want to copy all of them. 😉
    Would you really go to Blog World Expo? That would be so cool! I’d like to go ONE DAY but it will most likely not happen in 2011. There is something called “Social Media Week” which is some sort of thing that has bi-annual social media conferences in a few major cities across the world. Toronto is one of them and I’m right here so I’m thinking of going to the next conference this February. It’s one of my resolutions!

    Other than that, I want to become a social media and SEO ninja! Hahah. SEO has always been something I really want to improve on, and since starting my blog, I’ve REALLY gotten into the whole social media aspect of promotion. I always thought that social media marketing was a numbers game, trying to get as many followers/fans/subs as possible. But now I KNOW it’s about engagement and quality of followers… not numbers.

    Thanks for sharing your resolutions! I was thinking of making a blog post about mine, but I got sidetracked. Well, I guess there’s still time, it’s only January 2nd! Procrastination is another thing to work on! LOL

    Hope you had a great new year (wow this comment was long) and all the best to you in 2011!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hello again Elise :)!

      We get pouring rain, snow by the meters, frighting lightning and thunder storms! And I love all of them. Winter is not winter without all of the above.

      But the crappy part is that the internet connection gets even slower than it actually is! Bummer.

      Feel free to copy all of my resolutions. I know some are rather vague but I’m much more interested in the results than a set number. I think it’s the quality of followers and fans that you have – those that are active and that engage with meaningful and insightful posts and comments – rather than the million or so that don’t do either. As you said – it’s quality not quantity :)! I couldn’t agree more. Sure the quantity is awesome to have – but I want to get something out of it as well.

      If I can – I’d love to go to Blog World – not just cause it’s in Vegas (a city that I love) but because it’s an excellent learning and networking opportunity and experience. I’ve met some incredible folks through Twitter and blogs and it would be great to finally meet some of them in person and exchange ideas.

      You should definitely go to “Social Media Week” – especially if it’s going to be near you! I figure that you have nothing to lose – it can turn out to be a great experience. I hope you make that resolution happen :). And make sure to let us know how it goes and what you get out of it.

      Your ninja goal sounds great lol! I’m hoping to radically improve my SEO skills as well.

      I’ll be looking forward to reading your resolutions list – and yes, you still have time – the year has only just begun! And I hear ya about procrastination. I do it quite well Ha!

      Best of luck to you with everything. I have no doubt that this year has great things in store for you and your blog.

      Cheers to a wonderful 2011.

      PS – As you can see or may have heard lol – I’m a fan of long and valuable comments – so no worries. They and you are always welcome here!

  • http://twitter.com/TheDMailMan Blase Ciabaton

    Wow Ingrid, after reading those 22 resolutions, I think I’m going to take up smoking! That’s a lot to swallow-don’t think you need to worry about adding the 10 others. In fact, if you could pick just one, I’d seriously consider getting your e-mail list going. I’ve heard very good feedback from peers about AWeber so I think you’re pointed in the right direction there. Personally, I use MailChimp and it works pretty well for me. To make my e-newsletter more consistent, I set up an rss-feed-driven e-newsletter last year. I know it sounds pretty geeky, but all you do is set up a template and every time you add a new post to your blog, it automatically sends out an e-newsletter to your list. You don’t even have to think about it! I’m almost sure that AWeber offers the same feature-might not be a bad place to start. Best of luck and Happy New Year!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Blase and welcome :)!

      Well, first and foremost, please don’t take up smoking on my account haha. Now that you mention it, I’m hoping I don’t start smoking more due to stress from trying to reach these goals. But I’m hoping will a lot of work and effort, they’ll be attainable.

      I hear so much about the need and importance of starting an email list that I feel silly not having done so already.

      I’m actually familiar with MailChimp and I know they have a free and paid version. I was contemplating using them or AWeber. I’ve heard some good reviews about both (although it seems I see AWeber a lot more) but am still indecisive for now. Knowing me, I’ll go with the one that has the simplest platform and that is easiest to set-up and use.

      Thanks for that awesome advice on how and what you set up. You make it sound like it’s relatively easy and therefore am even more excited about getting started.

      If I end up using MailChimp, I’ll make sure to ask you if I have any basic questions.

      I appreciate you stopping by here and sharing your 2 cents. Very valuable info – thank you.

      I look forward to seeing you around these parts more often. Will be reading your resolutions (the link you sent me) as soon as I get the chance.

      Wishing you a great 2011.


  • http://twitter.com/LiveUrLove Brankica U

    I haven’t made my blogging resolutions yet, but I might copy some of yours :)
    As soon as you do #3 and #4 you will improve #7 and #12 (should happen like that). Once 7 and 12 become better, some others will follow too.

    I already learned HTML and CSS enough that I can say I am satisfied but after starting with WordPress I realized I will have to learn that PHP which is really a boogy man to me :(

    I also understand the Paypal and other accounts, as for what ever reason Serbia is not on many lists (and as you say very famous Lesotho is). It is so frustrating! Not to mention that I have not received my first Google check that should have been in my mail a month ago :(

    Hope you will succeed in your resolutions…actually I am sure you will!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Brankica and welcome :).

      Very nice to see you here on nittyGriddy – thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

      I’ve often come across your super comments around the blogosphere and am happy you made it here to leave another.

      Feel free to copy away lol. Your analysis couldn’t be more spot on! 3+4 does indeed = a better 7 and 12!

      I’m really “coding challenged” and although I totally admire those that rock at it – it’s still like Chinese to me – well maybe not Chinese – but I’m just terrible at them. I’m hoping to learn a bit of the basics of all 3 (HTML, PHP, CSS) and have already bookmarked the sites for coding idiots haha.

      It’s actually great that you already learned ab it of these things. Good for you!

      Finally, someone in the blogosphere that understands my frustration with PayPal. And yes, Lesotho is so much more in the news than Lebanon and Serbia and therefore PayPal could not pass up on the opportunity to work with such a huge market hahah (huge sarcastic remark there). It’s actually quite annoying to be without it as it does limit both my blog (and I presume yours) as well as my online shopping activities to a bare minimum.

      Keep up the awesome work on your blog. I’m glad a discovered it a while back.
      I look forward to seeing you around these parts more often.

      Best of luck with all your goals.

      Have a super 2011.


  • http://www.lifeasanexperiment.com James D. Burrell II

    I abandoned the idea of making ‘resolutions’ a few years back. Instead, like Gini, I choose to set goals – attainable goals as well as goals that are going to take every ounce of my energy just to scare the chance of reaching.

    Aside from the easy ones – developing a universally accepted font for sarcasm w/o any coding experience, winning the lottery, and being named country musician of the year – I’ve got a good list building.

    Since November, my goals have undergone a dramatic metamorphosis as a result of starting Life as an Experiment. Although, I would be honored to reach 500 fans on the facebook page and 1000 followers on Twitter, what will make the idea viable is connecting with quality people (like you folks) even if quantity is lacking. Also, I am going to develop an idea to create a business form of Life as an Experiment, but those details are long from being organized.

    Additionally, I need to focus more attention on my current business (Eco-Protective Products) and growing our distribution and brand awareness.

    Oh and lastly, sky diving (yes, I will, Ingrid), making residence outside the US, and visiting NYC.

    Happy New Year ALL!

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Jamey,

      Always great to see you here :).

      Much like you and Gini, I too have abandoned making the normal non-SM resolutions the last few years. I decided to focus on this blog and my copywriting business this year. I’m hoping those goals will be more attainable. At least I’m gonna try my damn hardest to make them.

      How weird – I share 2 of your 3 “easy” goals. I’m gonna’ race you in finding that sarcasm font as I too have quite the knack for “the art of smart-assness” hehe.

      As for winning the lottery – I’m trying but those tricky little numbers don’t like me too much for some reason! No comment on being named the country musician of the year. Me and the microphone were just not meant to be :(. I did try though – but unfortunately…

      I for one am glad you started “Life as an Experiment”. I’m thoroughly enjoying reading your posts. You’re a fantastic writer and I think you’ll achieve a hell of a lot more fans and followers than you think. But like you said – and I totally agree – it’s not about the quantity of followers that yo have but more of the quality. I want my followers to be people I can learn from and engage with – and so far I’ve been lucky to have had quite a few of those.

      Best of luck to you with your business goals for Eco-Protective Products. It’s great that you care so much about such things. More people should!

      It’s been a real pleasure getting to know you more and more everyday and from what I can tell, I have no doubt you’ll go very far – both with your blog and your company.

      As for the skydiving – I’m thinking about it more and more. But still need the “cojones” to jump!
      NYC is an absolute must see and living outside the US (depends where) is always an exciting experience. Moving can be a bit scary but the experience and education you gain from it is well worth it. But then again – you know that already – having left home before to move somewhere new.

      Wishing you an incredible 2011. May it be everything you expect and more and may you find those “special” things that you’re looking for.

      All the best

      • http://www.lifeasanexperiment.com James D. Burrell II

        So much can be said here to highlight how terrific you are. It’s hard to believe our conversation began hardly a short 2 months ago, and in that time you have made a profound impact on my resolve to pursue my blogging/career/life interests.

        I think, at times, it’s necessary to have someone reaffirm that we already possess the cojones (read: courage) to pursue our goals (whether it be starting a newsletter, jumping from a plane, or altering our lifestyle to become healthier). You helped me to do so back in December when I first promoted my blog via Twitter and continue to do so by challenging me almost daily. I cannot express my appreciation enough.

        That said, you have the cojones to jump — that I am abundantly sure of. Challenge to you, me,-hell -everyone for 2011 — if there is no other logical reason holding you back from something other than fear, do it. (Use this advice judiciously — wrestling grizzly bears is not wise unless your are ‘a pillar of masculinity’ like me. (insert wink)).

        I like that word, challenge. Perhaps we should change the phrase New Year’s Resolutions to New Year’s Challenges. Replace the idea of ‘removing a negative’ with ‘overcoming obstacles and adversity to achieve something great’.

        Regardless, allowing my mind to race ahead to 1/2/12, I’m filled with excitement and confidence that I will be further down my path (the right path) — hopefully everyone else that checks in here will be, too.


        • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud


          In case I haven’t said it enough yet – you truly and continue to touch me with your kind words. I’m so happy that I impacted you in some way – and a positive one at that :). It means a lot and I’m thankful for your praise and recognition.

          I could go on here thanking you and telling you how your words of appreciation have impacted me but I think 1000 thank you’s will be shorter than the essay I had in store haha.

          You’re doing a hell of job with both your posts and comments that I’m starting to see everywhere. I think I’ve read all your posts to date and they are truly a pleasure to read.

          I’m actually a big fan of the word “cojones” as I’ve used it several times in my posts here. I’m hoping to grow a pair of the invisible feminine kind (obviously lol) in order to follow through with some of my more challenging goals. I will jump at some point! And yes, wrestling a grizzly may not be the ideal decision that one can make lol.

          I love your idea of “New Year Challenges” instead of “resolutions” – after all, it’s what they are – challenges. Resolutions may sound better but challenges is more honest. It implies that there will be obstacles and that overcoming them will instill a greater air of pleasure and self-satisfaction. I hope that makes sense. I know what I mean to say but I hope I said what I meant Ha!

          I have no doubt that your blog will succeed and that more and more peeps will discover your terrific writing style and your charismatic personality. You certainly have the “cojones” and the heart that it takes to get to where you want!

          Best of luck to you always Jamey
          It’s been a pleasure and I look forward to our continued friendship and collaboration.

          Cheers Mr. Burrell

  • http://www.larissaphotography.com/blog TJ McDowell

    Wow Ingrid – you aren’t kidding around with your goal setting! From your common New Year’s goals list, I think I have about 7 out of the 12 as my goals too. Not that I’ll hold myself accountable, just that they’re things I’d like to do. Yea, that’s not gonna get me any closer – I know.

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hey TJ

      Haha – I’m gonna try my best, that’s for sure!

      Looks like you and I have a few things in common as I too have quite a few of these normal non-SM goals – but they’re in the back of my head somewhere lol.

      Any goals for your awesome photography blog? BTW – the posts are so informative!

      Hope you have a great 2011! Best of luck to you in all that you do.

      Thanks for coming by – always nice to see you here. You’ve gotten me used to seeing your super comments here so another goal of mine is to keep you and my other wonderful readers to keep coming back :).


      • http://www.larissaphotography.com/blog TJ McDowell

        Ingrid – thanks for the props on the photography blog. I really want to see the blog take off this year. Hoping to get 10 comments per post consistently and to start making money.

        • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

          My pleasure TJ. I meant it.

          Wishing you all the best to you and your blog!
          Those 2 resolutions sound great :). I’d love to have and do the same.

  • http://spinsucks.com Gini Dietrich

    You seriously make me laugh so hard!! You know what? Not one of those resolutions that are on everyone’s list are on mine. I actually don’t believe in resolutions because you never end up making it- that’s why gyms are always super busy the first six weeks of the year and then it goes back to the regulars.

    So here is what I am going to do in 2011: Speak at least once a quarter in Chicago, travel only once a month, learn how to do something for fun (not to be the best), and LAUNCH THIS DAMN NEW BUSINESS before it puts me into an early grave.

    And, for the record, I will invert that award! You have some competition from Howie, but I think you win.

    • http://twitter.com/skypulsemedia Howie at Sky Pulse Media

      Plus we have a Hiking GD V-Blog upcoming. I think a magazine one too!

      • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

        Nice Howie :)!
        Let us know when they’re up and running.


    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Well hello there Mrs. SpinSucks!

      Mighty nice seeing you here this New Year (OMG – I either sound like a sleazy pick up artist or a dead beat poet – take your pic lol).

      Hope you and Mr.D had a wonderful New Year’s Eve.

      I’m much like you when it comes to regular resolutions – I’ve never managed to follow through with them and therefore stopped making them years ago. That’s why I attempted a different set of them this year. These I know I have a shot at – at least I hope! Plus it seems that anything is easier than to quit smoking haha. So bad – I know!

      That’s funny what you said about gyms being full the first 6 weeks – I never thought of that but it totally makes sense Ha!

      As for your resolutions – I think you’ll be just fine! Personally, I think folks should be fighting over you to speak at their events – your charisma and know-how is exemplary my dear Gin. Even your competitive nature – after all, I’m sure it helped in getting you where you are. As for travelling once a month – I wish I could still do that – Ah, the good old days!

      Best of luck to you with the business. But I don’t think you’ll be needing it. I have all the faith in you and you certainly have all the tools you need to succeed – and then some!

      I’ll be waiting to hear an official nomination in regards to that award hehe. And speaking of Howie – did you see how short his comment was in his reply to you here. Now look at mine :D. Uhh, need I say more?

      Sorry Howie. We still absolutely love your comments though ;).

      Thanks a mil for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Gin. Always a blast to see you here. Enjoy the rest of your first 2011 weekend.

      Wishing you an amazing year filled with love, health and success!


  • http://twitter.com/lavenderuses Patricia Millman

    Hi Ingrid

    That’s why I didn’t see you tweeting this post! No connections and trouble with the net….yikes. There are advantages to being in Oz; even if our connections are slower than Europe. Definitely better than Lebanon by the sound of things lol

    Loved the post and you sure have a heap of goals for 2011. Sound like they are all do-able…by you anyway! Don’t think I could achieve so much.

    I am publishing my post on Tuesday but one thing I know I will be achieving is my newsletter. Wanted to have one for awhile but the thought of setting it up (that’s too much like techie stuff to me) put me off.

    Then along comes Ben the super-geek and he is doing it for me. Signed up to Get Response and he did the installing etc for free :-) He has shown me how it will look and I was suitably impressed. So I can tick off one of my goals already….yay.

    I don’t make the normal New Year’s resolutions but goals for my blog….definitely. Watch this space…or at least go check out my blog once it’s published on Tuesday and the rest will be there for you to peruse.

    Half an hour and it will be goodbye 2010 and 2011 will be here in this part of the world. May all your plans and more come to fruition in 2011 Ingrid and you may even get your award for being comment queen in 2011 too.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    • http://nittygriddy.com/ Ingrid Abboud

      Hello Patricia and a very happy new year to you :)

      Hope this first day of January has started off well for you.

      You have no idea how slow our connection is here. Oz is ahead of us in light years in regards to that.

      I’m glad you loved this post. I’m hoping to stick by my resolutions here (although resolutions in general were made to be broken lol) and try to achieve every single one of them. And as for you – I think you could achieve those and much more. You’re on a terrific roll Lavender Queen :).

      I’ll be looking forward to reading your post on Tuesday and to seeing your new Newsletter. Good for you! I’m sure you’ll have tons of subscribers in no time. It’s also very kind of Ben to help you out with that. Don’t you just love the blogging friends we have? I certainly do.

      I’ve been meaning to start a newsletter as well – but for the same reasons as you, I have been quite hesitant. Plus I wanted to make sure I had something worthwhile to offer my wonderful readers.

      In any case – best of luck to you this year! I have no doubt that there will be quite the lavender boom in the blogosphere!

      Hope 2011 is everything you want it to be and more.
      All the best