We Rule iPhone App

we rule iphone app We Rule iPhone AppWe Rule from Ngmoco and Newtoy Inc. lets you create, customize and rule your kingdom with an iron fist! It’s like a medieval version of FarmVille but with villages and townspeople. Since its release on March 19, the iPhone application has seen tremendous success and is already on the top 30 app list as of a few days ago.

If you’re bored and tired of milking cows, picking trees, building fences..you can become addicted all over again to a new game where you can further your ambitions by creating your own mini-empire by building castles, controlling villagers and more. And for all you FarmVille aficionados, you’ll rejoice in knowing that harvesting crops is also a big part of the game! We Rule users also have the extra option of purchasing the game’s secondary currency, Mojo, in order to speed up the development process of crops and towns. Similarly to FarmVille, the game progresses as you earn more money from performing daily tasks such as harvesting crops and managing your businesses.

We Rule is available for free from the App Store and includes features such as:

  • Over 20 different crops to plant, grow and harvest
  • More than 50 unique structures to build and customize your empire
  • Dozens of villagers professions to keep your citizen population active
  • Purchasing Mojo units with real money to speed up your harvesting and building projects
  • Vibrant 3D art and characters
  • Continuous game updates with features, themes and more

For additional information about We Rule, you can: visit Ngmoco’s website here, read a review at touchArcade or watch the 2 minute hands-on preview below.

0 We Rule iPhone App

[image credit: Gizmodo]

Scary Facts About Fast Food!

March is National Nutrition Month in the United States – who ironically enough is home to over 300,000 fast food restaurants. To commemorate this month of nutrition education and information, I thought I would share this eye-opening infographic from Online Schools called, “Everything You Need to Know About Fast Food”. But before I do, I would like to bring the following 4 facts about the fast food industry to your attention; food for thought – if you will :)!

  • One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows.
  • Every month, about 9 out of 10 American children visit a McDonald’s restaurant.
  • Second only to Santa Claus, Ronald McDonald is recognized by over 96% of American children.
  • Eating fast food can result in high levels of insulin, which has been linked to rising incidences of Type 2 Diabetes.

For more of these scary fast food facts, visit the Examiner.com website.

Scroll over texts and images for Image Zoomer or click here to see the full size version.

fast food industry infographic Scary Facts About Fast Food!

So the next time you are about to stuff your face with another fast food burger or box of large fries, take a moment to remember what it is exactly that you’ll be ingesting.

Garbage Polluting the Mediterranean!

When I came across this particular infographic on The Infographics Showcase, I couldn’t resist but to share it with you; not just because it’s an exceptional representation of the “other” kind of dangerous species that we swim with, but also because for me and many others reading this post – it just happens to be the sea we swim in everyday!

Not surprisingly, while going through the non-recyclable pieces of crumpled rubbish that are creatively showcased in fish-like forms, I found myself counting how many of them I had actually seen with my own eyes in the Mediterranean. A shocking number of them – is all I can say! And that’s not including all the other revolting crap I’ve seen floating around!

Take a good, hard look at this sad yet powerful infographic by Klas Ernflo of all the rubbish that we share our nice summer swims with. Granted, these species won’t take a bite or scare the living daylights out of you [although some might], but they sure as hell will affect your world, body and overall health in numerous other ways!

*There are 8 million tons of waste that reach the sea every day. People – I urge you to do your part to help lower that insane number! Because after all – it’s you, me and our children that are swimming in that sea!!!

Scroll over texts & images for Image Zoomer.

med sea garbage Garbage Polluting the Mediterranean!

[image credit: flickriver.com; Campaign for the Government of Catalunya to keep the Mediterranean Sea clean. 2005.
Made with Copywriter Fran Segarra, Creative Directors Xavi Hidalgo & Fernando Planelles for the Small agency in Barcelona.]

Brain Tutor 3D iPhone App

brain tutor 3d Brain Tutor 3D iPhone AppBrain Tutor 3D lets you explore the human brain from the palm of your hand using your iPhone. Created by Brain Voyager from MRI scans, this educational application enables you to learn about the structure and function of the human brain by interacting with rotatable 3D models in real time.

For anyone interested (especially medical students) in looking inside the head and seeing the individual parts of the brain and how they work, this program is indeed quite simple and informative. iPhone users can see a preview and download a free copy from the iPhone Application Store.

Here are a few things that you can do with Brain Tutor 3D [as seen on the Brain Voyager website]:

  • Explore 3D models of the head and brain in real time BrainTutor Screenshot 2 Brain Tutor 3D iPhone App
  • Slice the brain along 3 axes (sagittal, axial and coronal)
  • Learn where brain structures are located
  • Present text information about lobes, gyri, sulci and Brodmann areas

[image credit: (top left) itunes.apple.com; (bottom right) brainvoyager.com]

Mussolini iPhone App!

imussolini app Mussolini iPhone App!The iPhone application, iMussolini, containing 100 of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini’s speeches, recently became the 2nd most downloaded item in Italy. The application, which can found at Apple’s online store for 79 Euro-cents, was created by 25 year old Luigi Marino and includes speeches and videos from 1914, before ‘Il Duce’ came to power all the way until 1938. As of this past January, the application has seen over 1000 downloads a day.

Needless to say the amount of negative comments iPhone Italia has received and the overall controversy this application has caused, both in Italy and internationally.

In an effort to thank his supporters as well as defend the idea behind the rather “touchy” application, Luigi stated the following:

“This was a delicate phase of our history and the application offers people the chance to examine and listen for themselves to what Mussolini said. It is not an application that eulogizes Fascism or Mussolini…I am amazed at the amount of downloads and I am aware that there have been complaints to Apple but as I say, it is not an application in praise of Mussolini but simply a tool of history.”

Due to the amount of angry commentators, iPhone Italia shut down the comments page and issued the usual disclosure-like statement saying that the views and comments expressed were not those of iPhone Italia bla bla bla…

Unsurprisingly, I just came across another article dated February 4th of this year – from ABC News Australia. It states that the iMussolini developer, Luigi Marino, decided to take down the application from the Apple online store due to copyright issues. However, I had no problem opening the application’s page on Apple. To see the much talked about iMussolini, click here.

What do you think? Post your comments.

[image credit: via The Straits Times – Photo: AFP]

[sources: www.dailymail.co.uk]

Happy 4th Bday Twitter!

Yesterday, March 21st, or today – depending on what time zone you live in – marks the 4th year anniversary since co-founder Jack Dorsey posted the first ever tweet:

first tweet Happy 4th Bday Twitter!

It was just 4 years ago, in 2006, that Twttr [as it was originally called] was an SMS service/micro-blogging platform with less than 1,000 users. But today, Twitter has grown to become the 12th most visited site on the internet according to the web information company, Alexa. Not only that but last summer, it was announced that Twitter would enter the Collins English Dictionary and just last month, Twitter hit 50 million tweets a day. The achievements don’t end there however; the list is endless and the success story even longer.

To see a nice and colorful round up of Twitter’s key moments from 2006 till today, visit TechXav’s blog. You can also watch co-founder and Creative Director Biz Stone tell the Twitter story at the 2009 Alumni Reunion Conference at UC Berkley’s Haas School of Business.

For updated statistical information about Twitter, twitterers and tweets, visit Pingdom.

Although this little bird is all grown up, it’s wings continue to thrive.

Happy Birthday Twitter!!!

10 Useless Inventions

A while back I wrote a post called “Weird & Wacky Inventions”. While researching all the thousands of inventions that have been made over the decades, I came across a few that were less weird and wacky, and more dumb or useless. After all, for every invention that makes it big, there about a million if not more, that don’t quite make it.

The world is full of inventors, but only a few are worthy of carrying that honorable title that people like Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell…are attributed with.

“An inventor fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.”

Charles F. Kettering (1876 – 1958)

“We are but cogwheels in the medium of the universe, and it is…an unavoidable consequence of the laws governing that the pioneer who is far in advance of his age is not understood and must suffer pain and disappointment and be content with the higher reward which is accorded to him by posterity.”

Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943)

Below is a small compilation of some of the dumbest inventions ever made.

[book id=’1′ /]

You can see these as well as many other funny but useless contraptions – along with their descriptions and inventors – at www.life.com.

[image credit: all images from Izismile.com via Life]

Is Your Mom on Facebook?

Is your mom or dad on Facebook? I think there are about 4 possible answers to that question.

  1. THANK GOD NO!!!

And if you were to take a survey of 1000 people whose mom’s are on Facebook, I think the answer ratio would be a little something like this:

  3. YES, HOW COOL IS THAT?! (2)

Let’s face it guys, there are over 400 million people on Facebook, so a few million of them are bound to be parents. What’s more, is that the older generation folks are becoming more and more tech savvy (to a limit) – and seeing that many now know how to turn on a computer, there is a possibility that they’ll ask you to show them what this whole Facebook thing is all about. After all, if they’re breathing, then they’ve heard of Facebook! And if they think how wonderful it would be to get back in touch with Bob or Betsy from their old high school back in 19**, then you’re pretty much screwed; cause you know they’re gonna’ connect to you first!

As is clearly obvious in my hypothetical results, most kids or even adults, aren’t gonna’ be too thrilled about adding their mom or dad as a “friend”. It’s not so much about the total invasion of privacy, since just by being on Facebook, you’ve pretty much relinquished a big chunk of that right – but it’s about having to panic every time someone tags a picture of you, or writes something on your wall; or even worse having your mom write something “corny” on your wall or posting a 20 year old picture of you in a tutu at ballet class.

Now if you’re a college student that’s taking full advantage of the dorm experience, you’ve got it even worse. Because seriously, how much explaining or “BS-ing” can you really do when your mom sees a picture of you passed out on the bathroom floor with an empty bottle of Wild Turkey in your hand and half an eyebrow; or one of you and your friends mooning public safety; or even better – you kissing a goat during your hazing initiation for the football team?!

Needless to say any more. The fact of the matter is: having your mom on Facebook is a bit of an inconvenience (to say the least) for young adults. And to show us just how BIG that inconvenience really is, the funny people over at Back of the Class and The Outside Joke, have each created their own comical music video entitled “My Mom’s on Facebook”; a dedication of some sort – to all the poor college souls who feel the pain.

Is your mom on Facebook? Do you wish she wasn’t? Post your comments.

0 Is Your Mom on Facebook?

0 Is Your Mom on Facebook?

*Update: I just came across this blog called “Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook.” The title says it all. The site showcases some really funny wall posts written by parents. Check it out :)! 

5 Useful “How To” Videos Sites

I’ve become quite a fan of learning new things through short and instructional “how to” videos.

You’d actually be surprised how useful and entertaining watching some of these online films can be. Just last week, I found myself explaining to someone a little trick on how to stretch shoes with nothing but water and a zip lock bag. Granted it sounds kind of strange, but it really works! All you have to do is…watch this “how to” video that I posted back in January and you too will know how to make your feet more comfortable :).

I know that YouTube is always the popular choice for browsing online videos, but I thought I would share another 5 of my favorite and top notch “How To” video sites. They’re all free (with the exception of one), easy to use and loaded with all sorts of things you can learn on just about any topic you can think of.


wonder how to cut1 5 Useful How To Videos Sites

WonderHowTo.com is a community-fueled, search engine and directory for free “how to” videos. The site compiles a bunch of videos that tackle an array of subjects in over 35 categories and 424 subcategories. A great place that teaches you how to do things on your own.


how stuff works cut 5 Useful How To Videos Sites

HowStuffWorks.com explains thousands of subjects relating to how the world works. From autos to animals, health to history, money to people and more; everything and anything you’ve ever wanted to know about is there – and is explained in a simple and clear-cut way that anyone can understand.


5 min cut 5 Useful How To Videos Sites

The concept behind 5min.com is rather unique and simple: it’s the idea that any solution can be visually explained in 5 minutes or less. The site includes a vast library of “how to”, instructional and knowledge-based videos that are neatly classified under 20 categories and 120 subcategories. Users can both contribute and expand their knowledge in areas such as arts, fashion, food, business, parenting, sports and much more.


video jug cut 5 Useful How To Videos Sites

Videojug.com includes over 60,000 thousand professionally produced “how to” and “ask the expert” videos and articles to help you “get good” at almost anything you want. The nice thing about this site is that each listing has the process written out step by step making it easier for you to follow along while watching.


mind bites cut 5 Useful How To Videos Sites

MindBites.com is a place where people can share what they know and earn money for themselves or charity by selling valuable video tutorials. The site provides a massive library of premium, high quality and professional content to people that want to learn and are willing to pay for it.

What other video sites do you use? Post your comments.

PS22 Chorus Sing their Little Hearts Out!

PS22 is an elementary school chorus from Staten Island, New York. Comprised of around 60 or so fifth graders, the chorus was founded in 2000 by the school’s music teacher, Gregg Breinberg. Labeled as “the best known elementary school chorus on the planet” by New York magazine, the PS22 Chorus has become an internet phenomenon with already over 15 million viewings of their online videos.

These kids are truly sensational! And I’m far from being the only one to think so. From Tori Amos to Beyonce; Lady Gaga to Perez Hilton; all have fallen under the musical spell of these little angels. Their not so little voices however, have the power to make a grown man cry!

Watch the captivating expressions on these kids’ faces as they sing “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey and “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga. Absolutely mesmerizing!

0 PS22 Chorus Sing their Little Hearts Out!

0 PS22 Chorus Sing their Little Hearts Out!

The Ultimate “Cheat Sheet” for Men

I’m not quite sure how, but I landed on a private detective site called Advanced Surveillance Group, Inc. (ASG) – a company specialized in investigating cheating and marital infidelity. All I know is I started off reading an article about health and ended up on Oprah.com. But then again, Oprah’s got an entire section dedicated to relationships and pretty much everything that has anything to do with them; the good, the bad and the ugly. I suppose that one related article lead me to the next, and…here we are!

cheating The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for MenI have no interest in going into the whole relationship and cheating thing, not to mention all the psycho babble (although it’s not really nonsense) that comes with it – it’s not what this piece is about. All I will say is that: 1) infidelity comes in many forms: from a one night drunken mistake to a long term, calculated affair. 2) Regardless of what, why, how or where, the act will have a long term impact on the relationship.

And 3) people cheat for many reasons. Some do it for the thrill or excitement; others to build self-esteem or feel desirable; many because they want to get out of a relationship and don’t know a better way to communicate it; some people even do it as a cry for help to indicate that something is seriously off with the relationship to begin with; and some, out of boredom or plain old revenge… regardless of why, the bottom line is simple and we all know it: being unfaithful is wrong, hurtful, shitty, dishonest…but unfortunately it happens and always will – and most of the time, people (or in this context, men) will get caught – somehow, somewhere! Don’t get me wrong, women cheat too, but this article doesn’t really care about that.

What I found interesting and maybe ironic for a company that investigates infidelity, is the heads up they give men by telling them 36 things they need to think about before they cheat. It could just be a way to discourage them from straying, which would make more sense; but then again, if more men were to remain faithful, ASG’s business would somewhat suffer – after all, they make a living catching those people that aren’t goody-goodies! Either way, the list is rather extensive and includes some funny but somewhat truthful facts.

So, in the spirit of sharing, nittyGriddy created its’ own humorous – yet with a bit of truth – version of things to consider before you (men) decide to cheat on your spouse and jeopardize everything you’ve built together. A sort of “cheat sheet”, if you will :). [It’s an addition to or a mix and match with ASG’s]

To consider while reading: Laugh if you want to, believe if you care to, comment if you need to; but most importantly: take with a grain of salt. After all, everyone’s different and so are their reactions.

  1. Women’s intuition is real and often right on the mark: if a woman thinks her spouse or partner is cheating on her, there are usually good reasons for her to think that way. It’s almost like a 6th sense; it’s not based on solid facts, but rather on a deep gut feeling that tells her whether something is or isn’t.
  2. Women have an advanced sense of smell and sight: here’s the thing boys: a woman smells another woman’s perfume from miles away. So if you plan on coming home smelling like X when your wife wears Y, then your ass deserves a screaming beating. Because if you were in a bar or club, then you would pretty much smell like smoke, beer or sh***, but definitely not perfume! Here’s another thing: you generally don’t do laundry yourself. That means, if your shirt’s got some random makeup or lipstick mark on it, your wife is gonna’ notice it before you do. lipstickshirt The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Men
  3. If you’re dumb enough to cheat in a public place, odds are that you will be spotted: it’s a small world guys, and even smaller if you live where I do! There’s always that chance that someone you know, or who knows your girlfriend, will see you. And we all know how simple it is to snap a pic with a phone and how quickly juicy gossip spreads.
  4. The friend you tell today, will rat you out at some point tomorrow: I know that sharing conquests can be exciting for men (and sometimes women) but be careful who you tell. Why? Because there are 3 types of male friends: 1) the type that wants to bang your girl 2) the type that’s a just good person in general and 3) the type that looks up to you (or even envy’s you) and tells their other friends how ‘cool’ you are…
  5. STD’s exist: they’re mean, they’re sticky and they’re real! There are a lot of skanky women out there, some even carry std’s! So if you’re planning to be ‘double dumb’ by cheating and doing it unprotected, then by all means, enjoy the painful side effects that gonorrhea, chlamydia, crabs…have to offer. Not to mention the pain you’ll be feeling if your wife catches something because of you.
  6. Some women are a bit nuts: yes, believe it or not, even the hot, sexy ones! There’s all kinds of unbalanced women out there. The thing to remember is that some women can TICK! Just imagine if the one you cheat with turns out to be a stalker and the one you cheated on (who will eventually find out) goes a bit crazy – in a psychotic kind of way. Women, in an effort to get even when they’ve been hurt or deceived, have a tendency to go after your prized possessions – like your car, bike, boat, whatever… You could end up with some artistic graffiti on your car – like this guy:e5ed1ee5ea0416142e0707fe38b94829 The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Men
  7. Women see text messages: it’s like a super sonic female radar that beeps when you get an SMS from another woman. Most women have revolving eyes in the back and sides of their heads! Oh, that also goes for strange numbers that call at the wee hours of the night. Good luck going back to sleep!
  8. Most women like to be number 1: it may be that you get lucky and that the girl you hooked up with wants nothing more. But in general, women always want more! That means if she’s not satisfied with just that one night stand or if she thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread, she will secretly [or publicly – depends on the nut factor] chase you and create problems.
  9. Seeing more than one woman at the same time, will cost you twice as much: no explanation needed here!
  10. Keep your story straight: women are like human polygraphs, private investigators, criminal prosecutors and analysts combined! They will tear your story apart in a heart beat. They will ask more questions that a 4 year old child to get to the bottom of every detail and they will analyze everything and try to find gaps in your story. If you blink, twitch, cough or sneeze, she’ll know something’s up. Therefore, if you’re dumb enough to cheat, chances are that you’re not smart enough to get away with it by lying!

    confused man 300x199 The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Men

    You may also want to avoid looking like this guy during the interrogation. You're just making it easier for her to read you!

  11. Your girlfriend will cheat on you to get back at you: probability is that 1) he will be better looking than you, 2) he could be your friend 3) she’ll never tell you about it 4) her and her friends will talk about it and 5) you’ll never know. Women are just better at being discreet – just like men are usually better at math or science. That’s just the way things are. Accept it! So if you think your ego and cerebral cortex can’t handle the idea of your woman fornicating with someone else, then don’t do it FIRST!
  12. The trust will be broken – forever: if you care enough about your girl and want to patch things up with her, she may just forgive you – depending on the effort and groveling that you do, of course. But, remember this: unless she’s hit with some sort of sudden amnesia, she won’t forget. Let me rephrase that: WOMEN NEVER FORGET! And know that if you do continue your relationship, things will be different and she will have trust issues with you. After all, you kind of deserve it!
  13. Women like to know the details: if you decide to come clean and tell her the truth, she will want to know all the nitty-gritty or even sordid details. Of course, they will be tough to tell and even tougher to hear! And although she’ll be even more pissed and hurt by knowing them, she will want to anyways. Maybe it’s a kind of masochistic behavior, I don’t know; but keep in mind that whatever you tell her you did with the other woman, she may no longer want to do with you! The thought of it could be disgusting enough for her to abstain from all sorts of pleasurable things.
  14. Her family and friends will dislike you: your girlfriend’s family and friends also have a memory. But what’s worse, is that their memory lasts even longer than hers. So although she may forgive you, there’s a big chance that they won’t and will continue to hate dislike you! And if not you personally, they will at least hate what you did to her and continuously remind her of it.
  15. You will pay for it: any which way, you will pay a dearly price. Because like I said before, women don’t forget! That means, if you have a child together, you will pay support (depending on the country you live in). If you befriend the nanny or the single neighbor, she will consider putting hidden cameras in and around the house. If you even look at another woman in a particular way, she will eyeball you to death or possibly throw a tantrum. If you notice her looking at another man, she will remind you of how that “soooo does not even begin to compare to what you did!” If you stay late at the office, she will call you ten times and listen carefully for unfamiliar female voices and background noises. If you’re not in the mood for sex and she is, she will assume that there is someone else – again! If you leave the room to talk on the phone, she will be suspicious and want to know who is on the other end of the line…I think you get the idea.

Note: I am not a shrink nor do I claim to be an expert on relationships, men or marital affairs. But I am a woman! So what you do from here, is up to you; but you can’t say I didn’t warn you ;)!

If you’d like to see ASG’s list of “36 things a guy should know before he cheats”, click here.

Can you think of any more? Post your comments.

[images credit: (cheating sign) www.dbtechno.com; (car) www.dumb.com; (lipstick shirt) www.armchairadvice.co.uk; (confused man) Shelton Personal Training]

“The New Dork” Goes Viral

Remember how ‘uncool’ it was to be a dork in high school or college? Actually, it was pretty much uncool anywhere and anytime! Well, it seems that times have changed.

The awesome Pantless Knights made this rockin’ music video called “The New Dork – An Entrepreneur State of Mind” (from the guys behind Grasshopper.com); a spoof of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’s “Empire State of Mind”. It’s a tribute to their favorite rising entrepreneurs, who by yesteryear’s standards, would have been labeled as ‘geeky’, but who today, are pretty darn cool and popular dorks!

Although the video was only released a couple days ago, it’s already gone viral and is being deemed as the anthem for entrepreneurs.

Check it out! I’ve also included the lyrics below (courtesy of pantlessknights.com) so you can sing along to the familiar and catchy tune :).

Who’s your favorite dork gone cool? Post your comments.

0 The New Dork Goes Viral

Now I’m in the blogosphere, Now I’m in the twitterverse
Fans get so immersed, But I’m a nerd forever
I’m the new Zuckerberg, And since my website
I been cookin’ dough like a chef servin’ killa-bytes
Used to be the basement, Back at my mom’s place
Buildin’ web traffic so that we could sell an ad space
Make way for the, One man businesses
Bail outs finished with, White collar criminals
New sega genesis, Entrepreneur time
Makin big plans, To dominate the online
Yeah, I’m on YouTube, this is one man
Sharin’ google revenue, With songs on my webcam
Science is the new art, Databases day to day
Geeks spreadin’ sheet smarts, Hustle, make the data pay
I could be in Valleywag plus Geekologie
Tell from my avatar, That I’m most definitely

The New Dork,
Social networks – what dreams are made of, There’s nothing you can’t do
Now you’re the New Dork
This V.C. money is brand new, The geek is now damn cool
Let’s hear it for new dorks, new dorks, new dorks

Catch me up in Techcrunch, Right on the homepage
Hell, I’m on Gizmodo, In a photo bout a phone craze
And I’m up in Mashable, weekend trip to New York
Bar pitty, 1oak, parties full of New Dorks
Now I’m pitchin business plans, From the backs of napkans
Micro-lend to Africans, Monetize Kazakastan
Catch me up on linked-in, Dog, C.E.O.
You can see where I be, With the I.P.O.
Now I’m up in skinny jeans, Now a hipster’s lurkin’
Used to be a reject, But now I’m steady jerkin’
Now my glasses mainstream, Now the girlies eyein me
Popular kids copy me, The new swag is irony
Comin’ from the small time, Girls couldn’t find me
Now I scale models, Like I climb on top of Heidi
Start big trends, with tweets that I pass on
You should follow me, cuz I’m friends with Ashton