Snowy SuperPost Sunday – Weekly Roundup #21

Faraya Lebanon Snowy SuperPost Sunday   Weekly Roundup #21

Faraya, Lebanon

Hello My Lovelies,

I hope you’re all having a great Sunday!

I tried to disconnect a bit this weekend. Maybe not a 100% but you may have noticed that I was less active the last 2 days or so – whether on Twitter or here. So for the few of you that are still waiting for a reply to your comment on last Wednesday’s Bring IT! post, I sincerely apologize for the delay – but you need not worry or lose hope for I WILL be responding very shortly :D.

I just needed a tiny break from spending over 15 hours a day glued to my computer screen. So I went up to the mountains for the some fresh air and the new batch of snow we got during this last storm. And as you can see, I still managed to bring my laptop along.

It’s psychological really. You see, I’m supposed to be working on a project for a client (actually 3 of them), but my brain just isn’t in “serious work mode” at the moment. But, if I know my work is near me, then I feel less guilty about doing something else instead. Does that make any sense to you?

Yes, We Get Snow and Stuff

Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna’ ask that you lend me your ears for a minute as I clarify this whole snow storm thing as this is the second time I mention one in my SuperPosts.

For those of you who don’t know or are a bit skeptical of the snow we GET in Lebanon, allow me to educate fill you in. NO…we are not Utah or the Alps (far from it) – nor do we claim to be. But how does 8 or 9 feet of fresh powder sound to you? That’s right, get your ski’s and luge’s out lol!

We have mountains that rise well over 2,900 meters (9,515 feet) above sea level; we have ski domains and chalets that will put a few of the one’s you’ve seen to shame (obviously not all – but trust me when I say quite a few); by the end of this month until the beginning of April, we’ll be skiing in long sleeve t-shirts and already working on our farmer’s tan; we’re on the Mediterranean Sea – so the only desert we have is the sand on the seashore which spans across the entire coast of the country. So we may be in the Middle East, but we’re somewhat of an exception. And a great one at that!

Snow in Lebanon Snowy SuperPost Sunday   Weekly Roundup #21

White and Fresh!

As I type today’s SuperPost, it’s minus 5 degrees Celcius (22 degrees Fahrenheit)  outside. Again, nowhere near a Canadian winter or an Alaskan Fall lol, but still pretty chilly.

I’m curled up in front of the fireplace at 6,800 feet and all I can hear is the crackling of the burning wood and the wind gushing through the snow-filled trees. And at this moment, there’s nowhere I’d rather be!

So to answer your question in your blog post Lori – right now – I’m IN my happy place ;).

But enough of me and my whereabouts – it’s not like you came here to read about snow and shit. I believe it’s…

Time for Some Goodies

Oh, just one last thing before the link love…

Remember my Guest Post on Danny Brown’s blog about Social Media manners? Well, thanks to all of you and your kick-ass comments, it’s now listed as one of the Top 5 posts on Danny’s site (Reader Favorites). Can you guess how big my smile is right now? 😉

Sorry, I just had to share that with you.

Without further ado and blah blah, here are this week’s snowy SuperPosts on all things Social Media, Blogging Tips, SEO, Internet Marketing, Traffic Building, Online Money Making Tools and more.

Social Media

This is a Guest Post from Darren Monroe of You can read the full (and impressive) bio at the end of the post. Enjoy I have been on Twitter since the early days. And I cease to be amazed by the interesting…

The last two years I have been travelling quite a lot for work, and although I love being in new and different places the disruptive aspect of travelling is not something I am very fond of. I don’t think I am the only…

Before going off to college, I was stuck. I had no idea what major I should pursue. I knew I was pretty good at video, and I liked to read books, but that was about it. So I asked a few of my dad’s friends who were in the advertising…

I had the strangest call from Charlie Sheen yesterday. “OK man, I’ve got 2 MILLION freaking people following me on Twitter and my Klout score still sucks.  Ya gotta help me!” “Charlie,” I calmly replied, “Klout scores…

Say PR, as in public relations,particularly during a conversation about marketing and/or social media, and participants are liable to have vastly different perspectives on the topic. Traditionally, public relations referred…

Blogging Tips

I browse many different blogs on a different range of  subjects and this week I asked myself what I thought made an awesome blogger. We all have our favorite blogs we visit more often than others, whether it’s because…

The days when glamour shots on a website satisfied its users are long gone. Today more than ever, transparency and reality are not only wished for but required in order to create deep and lasting connections on and offline…

Internet Marketing

Recently I was exposed to a new feature on Google Feedburner that I hadn’t been exposed to before. Well, actually it was not a new feature, but rather an old one, but new to me as I had managed to miss it when setting up…

In every aspect of successful blogging, there are two sides to the coin: the stuff you do on your blog, and the stuff you do outside of your blog. For example, with search engine optimization, you have on-page SEO…


I’m not an SEO Guru. I don’t even play one on TV. But lest your temptation to hit the Back Button overpowers your natural curiosity, you may take comfort in the fact that a lot of what goes into SEO is Educated…

This is something I was planning to do for awhile and after receiving many questions on the subject, here it is – SEO 101, the beginner’s ultimate guide for on-page SEO. According to some e-mails and comments…

Search-optimized blog posts are the holy grail of blog writing. Would you like to learn the best step-by-step method for writing them? That’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in this post…

Traffic Building

Is blogging a struggle for you sometimes? I know it is a passion for most of us, and we love doing it. But sometimes it becomes a struggle. How to get more traffic, how to get more comments, how to come up with fresh topics…

Online Money Making Tools

Forbes just came out with its annual list of the richest people in the world. According to the list, there are 937 billionaires in the world. None of them are bloggers. Yet. While I pride myself on publishing blogging…

We all know that organic traffic generation is one of the more effective ways to attract unlimited and good quality visitors to your site or blog. After all, if your blog ranks well in the search engine results, you’ll see an influx…


Back in the day when I had a crush on bad-boy rapper 50 Cent, I would devour every hip-hop magazine, celebrity news story, or blog that featured his interview, movie review, or the 4-1-1 on who he was dating…

I never thought I would be an entrepreneur. I wasn’t raised in an entrepreneur family like my friend Mark Harai. After I graduated from McGill I worked as a freelance journalist, first in Jordan then in Egypt. In 1999 some friends…

Get around the web enough and you’ll notice more than a few hyped ‘systems’, ‘push-button software’ or ‘methods’ to make you incredible riches in mere days or weeks. Hell, you may have bought one or two of them before…

There’s rarely a literary backhand raised at Redhead Writing without it first being turned on myself. Much of the time, the columns in this series stem from some self-owed smackage. From mistakes I made when I started…

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The service is an easy-to-use email newsletter publisher. You set up a free account, submit your newsletter by email to an email account they assign you and the email gets published for your paying subscribers…


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About the Author

Ingrid Abboud aka 'Griddy' is a whole lot of things with a ridiculous amount of interests. For one, I'm a Social Media enthusiast with a tremendous passion for writing and blogging. I'm also a pretty cool Copywriter but a more serious MarCom Consultant. But most of all, I'm the proud owner and driving force behind - A Kinda Social Media Journal with Net News & more.

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  • Fast Printing

    Hi Ingrid Abboud My boyfriend and I are planning on baking this weekend, just for fun. I’d like to make something with marshmallows, some rice crispy treats maybe. Other than that, I don’t know what we’d make. I’d like to make something tasty and fun.Any ideas?Thanks

  • Thomas

    Hi Ingrid
    It looks great with all the snow. I was not aware that the have snow in the Middle East. I really miss skiing down the mountains in a sunshiny day. That is so awesome. Hope you enjoy.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Thomas,

      Actually you don’t get snow in the majority of the Middle East. Lebanon is an exception.
      And the slopes here are great but of course nothing like the Alps and so forth lol.
      Thanks for dropping by.

  • Jason Acidre

    Two entries from Brankica, nice. I was able to read her entry for the traffic generation contest, and that really is some hardcore list (she mentioned some sources that I haven’t tried checking out yet). I voted for that entry as well, and it seems that she’s leading.

    Great round up by the way, will do check the others out :)

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Jason,

      Thanks for dropping by :).
      Yup – my friend the Sharp Shooter is in here twice this week – and well deserved! Great to hear that you voted – I’m gonna head over there soon to see how it’s coming along.

      Hope you find the time to check some of these out – some really good reads.
      Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you around these parts more often.


  • John Falchetto

    Sometimes I miss the Bitch Slap, thanks for mentioning her. Erika rocks.

    You are lucky you have tons of snow, not much here this year, unless you go up to 3000m.
    Thanks for sharing these amazing photos of Faraya, you didn’t mention you were a photograph also?

    Cheers Ingrid

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Salut John,

      I love Erika’s Bitch Slaps and pretty my everything she writes. Such a fun yet knowledgeable voice and quite the personality.

      I”m glad you like the pics here – I would have loved to share a few more but I didn’t want to bore all you guys with my gung-ho Lebanese self haha. I simply wanted to show the real side (even if it’s just a small one with a couple pics) of Lebanon – and not what you guys mostly see in the news.

      I’ll try to post a few here and there whenever they’re appropriate :).

      As for me being a photographer – I have to give the credit to my little pocket digital cam which pretty much goes everywhere I go lol. Much like an Amex – I rarely leave home without it ;).

      Thanks for dropping by.
      Have a great week.

  • AllieRambles

    I am not suppose to be surfing the internet right now, a post is waiting for me but I wanted to say thanks for introducing me to RedHeadWriting. That is going to be a great place for me to internet unwind after a grueling day of reading about SEO and blogs. I’ll get around to the other sites soon, they are always helpful.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Allie,

      Well I’m glad you took a little break from your post and surfed your way over here :).
      Erika is simply fantastic! I’m a big fan of her writing and her personality just stands out in everything she takes on. She’s a good source for fun and learning.

      Hope you get the chance to read a few more that are listed here – good stuff!

      Thanks for dropping by and I’m happy that you discovered a new blog through this roundup.

  • Anonymous

    Ingrid your commitment to your online participation and blog is impressive, I can definitely understand some decompression time now and then. You definitely deserve a break. I will say this you on a slow week is so much more impressive than me on a good week. Seriously you could spend half the time and beat me :)



    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Joe,
      Great to see you. How have you been?
      Thanks so much for that amazing compliment :). You are much too kind.

      We all need a small break for time to time – unfortunately it wasn’t as long as I would have liked but then again – I wasn’t even able to go 3 days without my laptop lol. But with summer around the corner – I’m sure I’ll make up for it then ;).

      Hope all is going well for you.
      Have a great week.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Ingrid, I’ve been good, very busy lately. 3 days would be a very long time for me to be away from a computer. I don’t think I’ve done that in 15 years :)

        Things are good, nice to catch up somewhat!

        Have a great day,


  • Bill Dorman

    Hey you, trouble here…………..hope you had a great weekend.

    I look forward to your Roundup as it always has so much stuff and interesting peeps to check out. I’m like a sponge and take in as much as I can but there is so much out there it’s like drinking from a fire hose at times. Your Weekly Roundup condenses a lot of the stuff I’m looking for. Thanks for doing your part of keep me twitter/blog savvy in this arena.

    You have the touch, a certain savior fare if you will that draws people to you. You seem to always set the bar a little higher each time. Like Tiger Woods (ok, maybe I should have used someone else), who everybody thinks the game of golf comes easy to him; I know you have taken a lot of time and effort to get to this level. Two things is wish: 1) if and when you monetize it, it comes back to you in spades (you deserve it) and 2) you don’t set the bar so high it drives you crazy to keep it there. At this point you probably have a groove and know how to get things accomplished and hopefully you can keep this working for you.

    You have really good and engaging content and I always know I’ll get my monies worth when I stop by. You are appreciated and keep bringin’ it.

    See you soon………

    • Ingrid Abboud

      LOL Bill :)

      I’m glad you enjoy these roundups and being like a sponge is the best way to learn about new things and people. You take in as much as you can. I wish I had been that smart when I first started – or even before.

      There are some great reads in there so I hope you get the time to check out a few. Tons of interesting things to learn from others – I know I do everyday.

      I cannot thank you enough for all those kind and encouraging words you said here :). I’m very touched and flattered. It’s the greatest feeling knowing that people appreciate your work. Writing comes naturally to me – I wake up and I feel like writing. But that doesn’t mean it’s always any good. Heck, I could scribble stuff and I’d probably be happy hehe. But seriously though, it’s amazing to know that my words can somehow captivate a few folks here and there.

      I’ve set the bar higher for myself in the sense that I’d rather publish less often than just publish crap for the sake of publishing. It’s important to me that I be happy with what I write here. If I’m pleased with a post – I usually assume that a couple others will enjoy it as well. Plus it takes me so long to write posts – 1. because I tend to procrastinate so much and 2. because I’m anal and go back and forth 100 times to make sure it’s as close to perfect as possible – in my eyes that is.

      In any case – I do hope to actually make a small financial profit from this blog one day – I just haven’t decided how or when yet. So until then, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing now – and that is loving what I do :).

      Thanks again for your wishes and words. You are a wonderful engager and your contributions here and very much appreciated.

      Hope you have a super week.

  • davinabrewer

    So many good posts and familiar names, along with some new ones (yay!) – I’ll be reading for a while. 😉 And you’ve given me an idea for another little blog post, so thanks! Love the picture Ingrid.. never thought about it, but wow -snow! Never been snow skiing, don’t have many mountains or see much of the fluffy, white powder living in New Orleans or Atlanta.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Davina,

      Thanks so much for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Always great to see you here.
      I’m also glad to hear that there are a few names here that you’re not familiar with – it’s always nice to discover some new blogs and bloggers. Just adds on to the overwhelming state we’re in already hahaha. But it’s still worth it!

      Yeah – I don’t imagine much snow coming your way over there :(. Most people who don’t know much about Lebanon would have never guessed we get so much of it. Unfortunately, we don’t make the international news for our great things! Sigh…cause we really do have a ton of them.

      Have a happy week.
      I’ll be looking forward to read the blog post I inspired you for :). YaY!


      • davinabrewer

        It’ll take a little while, but inspired by discovering more of these weekly list posts. You’ll get a trackback whenever I finish something. 😉

        • Ingrid Abboud

          I’m glad these roundups come in handy for you :). Thanks Davina.

  • Rick LaPoint

    Hey there!

    Thank you for linking to my post. That was so sweet of you :-)

    You seriously must put together a vacation page so we can all live vicariously thru your adventures.

    To paraphrase a line from the old movie, Spartacus, “We who have no life, salute you!”


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hola Mr. LaPoint
      You’re most welcome my friend :). Loved your post and it’s super helpful.
      My adventures are nothing compared to others but I’m not sure people would want to come here to see my follies haha.

      As for that line – there are many times where I could use it! Sometimes we have a life and sometimes we don’t ;).

      Thanks a lot Rick. You’re still rockin’ it!

      Have a great week ahead.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hola Mr. LaPoint
      You’re most welcome my friend :). Loved your post and it’s super helpful.
      My adventures are nothing compared to others but I’m not sure people would want to come here to see my follies haha.

      As for that line – there are many times where I could use it! Sometimes we have a life and sometimes we don’t ;).

      Thanks a lot Rick. You’re still rockin’ it!

      Have a great week ahead.

  • Gabriele Maidecchi

    Ok I admit I didn’t realize the middle east could get snow at all, I guess it’s one of the various misconceptions people have laying around. In the traditional imagery, middle east = desert I guess.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      LOL I know what you mean Gabriele and it’s okay
      I have quite a few misconceptions about certain places as well – but I guess that’s what learning is all about eh?

      But Lebanon is an exception to the rest of the Middle East – in every way – lifestyle, weather and so forth.

      Thanks for coming by today and I hope you enjoy the reads.

  • Mavis Nong

    Hey Ingrid,

    Please send some snow my way – I love snow :)

    Great to see you taking time off away from your computer… I need to do that soon, lol.

    A great weekly roundup as usual. And thanks for including my post.

    Have a great week! :)


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Mavis,
      Thanks for stopping by :). And you’re most welcome – your post definitely belongs here – thanks for bringing it to my attention.

      Okay – I’ve got the shovel in my hand and getting ready to package some up for you lol.

      I took some time off but alas…I till had the computer with me and was checking in more often than I should have haha. What can I say? I’m hooked ;).

      Hope you have a nice week ahead.

  • Life, for instance


    You were lulling me into a longing trance as I read about how you felt to be up in the mountains and I was gazing hungrily at these photos of Lebanon and then you mention my name and blog – wow – could you hear me Laugh Out Loud?! (Laughing is how I deal with the amazing-and-hard-to-believe!)

    Post more photos of Lebanon – please – wow! Just yesterday as my husband and I were driving home, I mistook distant clouds for mountains and said I couldn’t imagine being around mountains at all – nothing around here compares to the elevations you describe! ~sob ! ~

    OK, I am stuck on the photos – a Happy Place indeed! My connections with Lebanon are “old” so to speak. (In my family it’s referred to as “the old country”, likely because that’s the way my grandparents and their parents referred to it) Yes, I heard people went to the mountains to see the snow, and in the summer when it was too hot but nobody told me it was so beautiful! You’re a true ambassador for Lebanon and you do an AWESOME job!

    Thanks for starting out my week so well. (a mention by Ingrid!!! One by Seth Godin couldn’t be ANY BETTER in my books!) Now I’m off to visit the blog posts you write about.

    Making me want to go to Lebanon – real bad,

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Lori,
      How are ya?
      Glad I was able to make you laugh out loud today :). I liked your post when I read it and realized that somehow I had answered your question in it – and therefore only thought it normal to include a link to it – just in a more creative way lol.

      I’d love to post more pics but I would hate to bombard my readers with things that don’t pertain much to social media :(. But I’ll try and slip a few in here and there whenever I can. I actually wanted to add another one here but I thought 2 was enough for the amount of text there was.

      It’s great that these pics touched home (in a way) with you and now I kinda regret I didn’t post more – if just for you haha. But yes – it’s beautiful here – forget everything you’ve seen on TV – pretty pics aren’t always what sell with the media. There are reasons after all for why we were once (and still) called the Paris of the Middle East (Paris has always been considered the most beautiful city in the world) and often the Switzerland of the ME (because of the same banking system and mountains).

      I would have loved to be an ambassador to Lebanon :) – heck, I was in a little way when I lived in the US – just not officially haha.

      I hope you do get the chance to come see it here one day. You’d be surprised – and pleasantly!

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I always look forward to you dropping by to share your thoughts.
      Have a great week.


  • Ana | Traffic Generation Cafe

    Looks beautiful, Ingrid!

    I live in a desert; ALMOST never snows, right? but a couple of weeks ago we got a couple of inches on the ground – it was awesome to see all the cacti covered. :)

    Great roundup, as always, and thanks for including me!


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Ana,
      It’s nice to see you here :).
      Wow – cacti covered in snow! Must be quite the site to see and all the more enjoyable when it’s rare.

      I’m glad you like this roundup. I hope you find a few in here that you like.
      I really liked Pat’s guest post – but then again – I pretty much love all the posts on your blog in general ;).

      Keep rockin’ it Tzarina. You’re thrashing Alexa :)!

      Have a good week.

  • Patricia Millman

    Hi Ingrid

    We definitely don’t get any snow here in Perth lol It’s still warm though it’s meant to be autumn but March is always hot. Only 31C today so not too bad.

    Having lived and worked in the UK and seeing heaps of the white stuff while trying to get to work, can’t say I miss it 😉 And as you are everywhere, I didn’t notice you missing! You still manage to write long and thoughtful comments everywhere I go and tweet lots of posts too.

    Glad you had some downtime, even if the laptop was still with you. I actually had Saturday evening off the net. First time in ages. Worked well as felt refreshed by Sunday and ready to go again.

    You still manage to be everywhere Comment Queen and with your GP over at Danny’s I know I got the title right 😉 Now to go check out the posts I haven’t read yet. Thanks Ingrid. Appreciated.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hola Lavender Lady

      Lucky you – 31C today eh? That’s the summer weather we have here. We usually don’t get higher than 35 or so (but there are exceptions) – not like the rest of the surrounding countries that get to 39 and 40.

      I love snow in general. I actually love being in the middle of snowstorms – but indoors of course lol;
      I was trying to take a full brake but I had my computer with me and realized that I was hooked as I couldn’t go a whole day not checking in and reading a few articles here and there.

      Thank you for your kind words about my comments – I of course would say the same thing about yours :).

      I hope you enjoy some of these. Needless to say that I liked them and that many are useful.
      Thanks again for stopping by and leaving one of your wonderful comments here Patricia. I always appreciate your thoughts and kind words.

      Have a super week in Perth. Hopefully, I’ll make to Australia some day.


  • Brankica U

    I am so glad I am not there… hate snow :)

    But love my bear for including TWO of my posts here. WOW. Thanks.

    Of course, as always, I missed some of these. The first I am about to read as soon as I finish the comment is the one by Mark S. You got me addicted to people you follow, better yet – the awesome people you follow.

    P.S. I read Mark’s post before I clicked Post here (so ADD, sorry). Anyway, it was such an awesome one. You always choose the best stuff!!!

    I guess I should read some more, and I see two here that are getting my attention straight away (after I actually do post this comment).

    Brrrrrrr, snow :(

    • Ingrid Abboud

      LOL Brankica

      But how can you hate snow? :( I love summer and winter but everything in between bores me. Sun and snow it is for me hehe!

      How the heck could I not include those 2 posts in there?! There’s just way too much valuable information for people not to read them.

      Mark simply nails every posts he writes or every guest post that is published on his blog! He truly only provides the best.

      Hope you enjoy the rest of these. As always – I’d like to think that they all rock!

      Have a super week Monkey but in reality – Sharp Shooter, Blogging TipMeister, Sharpy….LOL 😉

  • Anonymous

    Wow Ingrid!

    That snow looks incredible. Damn that would be sweet.
    We get snow and to be fair we do get 8 -9 feet of it – each season!

    I want to come to Lebanon!
    Oh, and there’s snow there too, that’s right – yep, definitely coming!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      LMAO (Pffff…as usual)
      And how is the awesome Built.Rank.Profit. man doing today? 😉
      Each season huh? Well those 8 feet we got in two days lol.

      Lebanon would be very happy to have you here indeed!!!
      Snow or no snow or anything and everything else!

      Have a good one Alex.
      Talk soon

  • Jon

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for the mention here. I’m very happy to be on the NG radar! Now I’m going to be the one glued to my screen for 15 hours catching up on all this reading.

    Great pictures, too. It looked like that here in the U.S. northeast until recently. We’re finally seeing the 10ft snowbanks shrink.

    I/we hope you got the rest and recharge you needed. Ease back in!

    Once again, a humble thanks.


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Jon,

      Thanks for dropping by – I really appreciate it.
      Loved the review you did on – I actually hadn’t heard of them until I read your blog post. Very detailed indeed. A great write up!

      I actually lived in the Northeast for years (Boston & New York) and I really miss it. I loved freezing my bum off and I miss it dearly.

      But when it comes to snow – although you guys get a heck of a lot more of it than we do or more often at least – our slopes and mountains are rather impressive. I like the feeling of having to drive upwards to get to the mountains and actually driving on the mountain roads – it’s amazing – but somewhat scary when you look down lol.

      I use to ski in Vermont (killington, stowe and okemo) all the time but seeing the cold – the snow was often too icy for me. I’m on a snowboard and being a being able to stop at some point is important to me hahaha. But in all honesty – the mountains are more vast here. But I still miss the Northeast like crazy – loved waking up in the morning to see my garden white!

      Hope you have a great week.

      PS – You’re definitely on my radar :)

      • Jon

        Oh neat, I wasn’t aware of you being so familiar with this area. Ah, snowboarder. My only time snowboarding was rather painful – ha.

        It’s nice to hear you miss the Northeast; when most people leave here all they complain about to everyone else is the snow. But I’d miss the mountains (Vermont/New Hampshire north) and the great eating, history, and nightlife (Boston). I relocated for a few years but have returned :) Enjoy your week as well, thanks.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Believe me Jon – my every times are still painful haha. It seems I get worse and worse every year – it’s an incredible talent really lol ;). I went from jumps and being a little brainless to barely making it off the lift in one piece. I guess maturing a little kinda puts things into perspective.

          I lived in Boston for about 9 years (and NYC – back and forth) and I absolutely love it! But I’ll be honest and tell you that all in all the skiing and the slopes in that area (Vermont and so forth) are not quite as vast as the ones we have here. It’s all mountains here – you actually have to go uphill to get to the ski resorts. But I still miss New England a lot. All 4 seasons are just so beautiful in every way.

          And yes – Boston’s night life – especially as a college student – was tons of fun :). Not to mention New York’s.

          Thanks for coming back here. I appreciate you adding on to the conversation and I look forward to seeing you around these parts more often.


  • Anonymous

    Hey Ingrid

    Wow – I think that was my first link in a round up post! So that’s another milestone on my journey onwards….thanks so much for including that. I actually saw your tweet that you’d posted this and I came to see what cool articles I could surf to and check out.

    I nearly fell out of my freaking seat when I saw the link to my post. So thanks very much – totally appreciated.

    Loved the ski-ing stuff too – I worked for 5 years in the French Alps when I was younger. Seeing the photo of Faraya reminded me of those days in Meribel in France where it’s just snowed, the sun ahs come out, the ski is bluer than the sea and life – if only for a few hours – is just about perfect.

    Thanks again.

    Catch you later.


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Paul

      Well I’m psyched that you’re happy about this roundup :)). And you’re post was very helpful indeed. I was working on an ebook that is being fixed up at the moment (long oeverdo) and now after having read your post – I kinda want to go back to it and make some changes. But since it’s so delayed as it is – I may leave it as is and come back and take your solid advice on round 2.

      There are some really great articles here so I hope you get the time to go through a few.

      As for Meribel – I haven’t been there since I was a kid so I don’t remember it too well but I’m familiar with the Alps in general (French and Swiss mostly) – again no comparison but the mountains here are just so beautiful and we’re lucky with the ski weather we get. You should see some of the chalets here as well! Either way – I think you’d love Faraya and the surrounding area. You should see the cedars. Even more snow there since it’s higher up.

      I was sitting on the restaurant slopes on Sunday and all I had on was a sweater – granted that after a few hours of sitting you freeze but hey – the sun was out and the sky was blue. Had I not gotten lazy and actually gone skiing, my face would be pretty tanned right now! Grrr..:(

      Anyhow – I’ve rambled enough lol. Thanks for dropping by and sharing. Always appreciated.
      Have a great week.

  • Erica Allison

    First, thanks for the snowy pics and the overview of your world. Must say, I did not know all of that but think it’s pretty darn cool. I can almost hear the fire crackle – you’re such a talented writer!

    Second, thanks for the awesome content. I was a bit disconnected this week myself and missed John Falchetto’s awesome post on So glad that was included here. Danny Brown answered my question today on his Sunday Brunch series about sharing older blog posts – his answer and your posts today solidify the very basic fact that we don’t see everyone’s posts all the time and therefore, retweeting/sharing is a must. And then of course, having content curators such as yourself also helps!

    Thanks for filling in the blanks for me this week. Hope it’s an awesome start to the week for you!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Erica,
      You’re most welcome for the pics – I have tons of them but just wanted to share a couple to give folks an idea and also to clear the misconception (which is normal) that we don’t get a real winter. Although I must say – with global warming and all – we don’t get half the amount of snow we use to :(.

      I’m glad you like this roundup – I really try to include some great ones – or at least in my eyes! Of course – I miss quite a few here and there but there’s only so many places I can visit each week haha.

      I’m actually just about to watch Danny’s Sunday Brunch – it’s been open since last night in one of my tabs but alas…I was exhausted and fell asleep before getting to it – but I did read that it was your question being answered :)).

      Thanks for stopping by and adding to the conversation. Always nice to see you here.
      Hope you have a rockin’ week.


  • Phil

    Snow! We hardly ever get any of the white stuff here in Wales… Maybe once or twice a year if we are lucky! But that’s a good thing, because I would be buried under it all. Hah

    Another good list of blog articles Ingrid. I will be checking some out now. Thanks so much for including my article in your weekly roundup! It means a lot. :)

    Hope you have an awesome week!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      I gotta’ tell ya Phil, you really had me chuckling there ;).
      I actually didn’t know that about Wales. I figured you got your little share of snow once in a while.

      As for your article – my pleasure :). I really liked it and it’s spot on! I hope you find some in here that you like or at least are able to discover some new blogs or bloggers along the way.

      Have a great week ahead

  • Janet Callaway

    Ingrid, aloha. Great photos and how nice to get away from it all–trade the white of the computer screen of the white of the snow. Your feeling of serenity and peace come through; enjoy being in such a good place.

    As usual, thx for all the goodies. Will be back later to read, enjoy, bookmark, thank the bloggers and you once again, Ingrid. All the best to you. Aloha. Janet

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Janet,
      It’s always great and does the body some good to get a change of scenery every so often. But I gotta’ tell ya – I’m ready to take another little break already lol.

      Hope you enjoy the reads.
      Thanks for coming by and sharing your pennies.


  • Fran Aslam

    Hi Ingrid:

    You are right, I missed you on the web, the more I was getting used to your site, and presence on twitter, the longer you were gone, may be it was your first time but I really thought of you. Lets talk about your current post.

    Good selection, an all round search, and good results for every one. I liked the one “How to write a Search Optimized blog Post By doing it Backwards” – By Michael Martine & Peggy Baron.

    I have to read some of these to know better. So have a fun week end.

    I will see you again

    Fran A

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Fran,
      I’m actually kinda happy to hear that I was missed :). But yes, I was less active for 2 days – although I was online every once in a while and of course during the wee hours of the night.

      There’s some really great reads in here so I hope you get through as many as you can. Tons of learning.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your 2 cents. Much appreciated.