SuperPost Sunday – Weekly Roundup #18

paperboy SuperPost Sunday   Weekly Roundup #18Hello My Lovelies,

I hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday.

I want to apologize for publishing today’s SuperPost a little later than usual :(. I was actually stuck driving in the fog at 2 miles an hour under a small snow storm and didn’t make it back home until a little while ago. Then I had to whip up this nice little intro for ya ;).

That’s it! That’s my no bullshit excuse.

Live Your Love Doesn’t Love THIS!

So, I don’t know if you guys heard or not, but my very cool bloggapal Brankica Underwood, who I’ve dubbed the “BloggingTip Meister” (amongst other nicknames), has created quite the stir with her review of MarketMeSuite.

Now, I’ve never used the product and therefore do NOT have a personal opinion on it. I’ve heard some great things from some top notch bloggers who use it. But like all things – we can never know what we like and works for us, until we try it for ourselves.

Unfortunately, Brankica had a shitty experience with her purchase and was honest enough to share her personal views (which she is entitled to) about MMS and how it fell awfully short of her expectations.

If you use this product, make sure to let Brankica know whether you like it or not. Either way, don’t miss out on the plethora of controversial comments.

The CEO of MMS had quite a few things to say about the poor review but alas…diplomacy was not her preferred style of speech.

The Tao of Twitter

The brilliant thought leader and distinguished gentleman, Mark Schaefer, has just published his latest book, “The Tao of Twitter. Now I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, (although I will very soon) but if you know Mark and his work – both as a blogger and Marketing professional – then you know that this book will be nothing short of excellent.

Oh, and if you don’t know Mark, then you’ve seriously been missing out. But it’s never too late ;).

If you’re struggling with how to use Twitter properly or simply looking to up your game, then I strongly suggest you buy this very useful, practical and affordable book. As Mark himself says, “The Tao of Twitter” is “a unified system to approach Twitter for optimal personal and business benefits.”

By the looks of it, just about any one can benefit from this book; businesses, marketing pros, consultants, professors, agency leaders, college students and Social Media aficionados.

Please support my friend Mark with his latest achievement by stopping by to congratulate him and purchasing a copy of his book. You’d be doing yourself a favor.

I can’t wait till my copy arrives :D!

Alright, I’ve kept you waiting long enough!

Time for Some Goodies…

“Without further ado and blah blah”, here are this Sunday’s rockin’ SuperPosts on all things Social Media, Blogging Tips, SEO, Internet Marketing, Traffic Building, Online Money Making Tools and more.

Social Media

A few days ago I was at work crafting a high level social strategy that will go beyond the Flightster blog and really enable us to take advantage of social media in a way that really allows us to understand our customers…

Facebook, my Facebook, wherefore art thou, Facebook? With Facebook having introduced quite a few changes to business pages, most of us are scratching our heads as to how to make the best use of them…

Many bloggers have started to veer away from the ad-based monetization model. Good choice, unless you’re looking for a very steep uphill battle for enough eyeballs to even just pay your cell phone bill…

Blogging Tips

Two years ago I sat on this exact black, office chair. I was doing something I no longer liked, and I dreaded every hour of it. I was playing online poker, and I craved to do something else. I had the desire to write, but I didn’t believe…

I’ve been writing, on and off, since my early teens – but it’s only in the last three years that I’ve really taken my writing seriously. It’s made a dramatic difference. I write far, far more. I write better. I finish things – something which…

Headlines are the most important attribute any article can have. I don’t care how well optimized that post is, or how long tail the targeted keywords are – if your title sucks, then you are doomed from the offset…

WordPress in itself is a decent system but it can be made into a rock solid blogging beast. Adding plugins can make WordPress into the Swiss Army Knife of blogging: just pull out whatever functionality you need for your specific…

I love ebooks. I love reading them. I love writing them. I love collecting them. Heck, I even lovethinking about writing them. But I think some bloggers are a little bit afraid of writing ebooks, and most bloggers don’t bother…

Let me tell you a little secret about blogging: It’s very formulaic. It’s more craft than art. If you can internalize what’s required to write a solid blog post, you’ll beat out the competition in the same way someone with a black belt…

For me, punctuation and its accompanying list of rules always stood out as the frontrunner for boring grammatical topics when I was in high school. That was until a college professor introduced me to Lynne Truss and her little book…

Internet Marketing

I have been in discussions with several people about Niche Market websites. In the past I have always regarded a Niche site as someone’s Primary Authority site, probably because back in the olden days we all spent a lot of time…

Personal Branding

I have many role models – awesome people who use their creativity to impact the world awesomely. They come from the most diverse backgrounds: fashion designers, bloggers, filmmakers and comic book artists…

The weekend is upon us folks and I wanted to discuss a topic we can all relate to and one that has been receiving more and more attention recently: Avatars.  Always up for a good conversationand debate, I can’t wait to hear…

These days we live and die online. I have been thinking about my social presence and what it is like for a person who works overseas to manage their social presence.  Every person goes about it differently, you can have…

Online Money Making Tools

Working a 9-5 job may be the dream of some people. Maybe you can handle having a boss that tells you what to do, when to do it, and how it has to be done. If that doesn’t bother you just a little bit, then go ahead and click the red…

The biggest question that people have when reading any blog or article that talks about making money in any way, shape, or form is, “does it work?” And that’s a great question, one you should ask at regular intervals both of the sites…


I’ve been online long enough to observe 2 groups of people who are doing some form of business online. 1. those who are struggling and 2. those who are going from success to success. What’s the difference between the two…

You know those scam emails that you get? The kind that “offer you a million dollars if you send some money to this African prince” or “Your account has been breached. Please access through information below” or “Click…

Tell me if this sounds familiar: In the bottom right drawer of your desk, you have the beginnings of your novel. Maybe it’s in a box in your closet. Or tucked away somewhere on your hard drive. Yeah. Novels are like old bones a dog…

Call it The Egyptian Revolution,  The eRovolution, iRevolution or Revolution 2.0. In any case, I believe we are watching a revolution that was not only written in Egyptian history, but world history. It will be a case study…

One of the biggest questions most businesses have about social media is what you should do when someone posts something negative about you. This could be a tweet, a Facebook status update, a mention in a LinkedIn group…

Now that I’ve lured you over here thinking this post is going to be another romantic saga  – it is Valentine’s Day after all- about how I’ve toiled in my endeavors to find true, passionate, everlasting LOVE, I’m sorry to disappoint…

When you have major changes going on in your life, or you’re just frustrated about where you are, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of depression, bad moods and frustration.  I know, I’ve been there…

Times have changed. You can’t just send traffic to a sales page and expect people to buy if they’ve never heard of you before; relationships are critical now-a-days. Oh, and let’s not forget about the customer experience…

I can’t believe it’s really been an entire year since I first took over this blog. At the same time it seems so long ago and yet it also feels like it was just yesterday.  I don’t exactly understand how that’s possible and yet it is…

One of the hardest things we do is to make the choice not to work with everyone who wants to hire us. That’s easier read than done. In some cases, we say no to protect ourselves. Those of us building our young reputations…

[image credit: via Blog For Profit]

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About the Author

Ingrid Abboud aka 'Griddy' is a whole lot of things with a ridiculous amount of interests. For one, I'm a Social Media enthusiast with a tremendous passion for writing and blogging. I'm also a pretty cool Copywriter but a more serious MarCom Consultant. But most of all, I'm the proud owner and driving force behind - A Kinda Social Media Journal with Net News & more.