ShareTweet As Social Media continues to boom and evolve, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with the latest trends and changes. What could have worked last year and the year before, may not necessarily work as well this year. I think anybody in their right mind will tell you that a Social Media Marketing strategy […]
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Infographic Resume’s
ShareTweet [NOTE: The original title of this post was “CV’s Worth Looking at”] Many, if not most of you, know what it’s like to send your resume (CV) to hundreds of international HR departments in hopes that someone will actually get to yours and take the time to look at it. After all, you spent […]
Valentine’s Day – the Love Industry
ShareTweet Note to Readers: This article was originally published February 14th of last year. I’ve polished it and re-published it today, cause, well…it’s kinda relevant to the day – don’t you think ;)? It’s Here Again… Well, V-Day is finally here – and so is all the lovin’ pressure that comes with it! What to […]
Web Designers vs. Web Developers: The Face-Off
ShareTweet What’s the difference between a Web Designer and a Web Developer? Besides the fact that they’re both web geniuses and pretty shabby lookin’ in a cool way (as portrayed in the comical infographic), do you know what each does and how they work together? Now, I could give you a boring or technical Wikipedia definition […]
The History of the iPhone
ShareTweet There’s no doubt that the iPhone has revolutionized the mobile industry or more precisely, the smartphone market. We’ve heard this line over and over but if you think about it, it’s true! Year after year, summer after summer, the brilliant Steve Jobs has managed to capture and retain an ever so loyal audience and […]
Promenade Up the Nile
ShareTweet WARNING!!! THIS POST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SOCIAL MEDIA, iPAD APPS, INFOGRAPHICS OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU’RE USED TO READING HERE! BUT IT’S NICE, SO SUCK IT UP AND READ IT ANYWAYS…PLEASE :D! Once in a while, I like to reminisce and go through some old files on my PC. Yes, you read right…I […]