Bring IT! How Did You Find Your Blogger’s Voice?

Eartha Kitt Bring IT! How Did You Find Your Bloggers Voice?

Eartha Kitt

As I scratched my head at 2 am thinking of another Bring IT! topic, I drew a blank. Once again, I had scrolled down my list of ideas, only to find one reason after the next for why not to use each.

It’s funny this thing they call inspiration. You sit in front of a screen wanting to write something, anything, but you can’t seem to find the words that will naturally continue to flow. So you force yourself to continue staring, to continue trying – not wanting to go to bed until you’ve written at least the title if not more.

Luckily for me, my friend Mufasa came to the rescue. Within minutes, he had sent me a list of 5 ideas; three of which I already had similar unfinished drafts for – one, that I had already covered a while back – our greatest challenges as bloggers – and the one I have for you today.

So here’s me thanking the golden mane that you know as “the very talented Mr. Sheridan from The Sales Lion” for today’s Bring IT! topic.

Isn’t it amazing how you can always rely on your good blogger friends? We each want the other to succeed and write the next best article. And so we support each other, we compliment each other and we even give constructive criticism when we see fit – whether we ask for it or not.

I think it’s a beautiful thing. It just goes to show the mindset that many of us blog with and further reinforces what I’ve said time and time again.

We do not compete with each other, we compete with ourself.

No one has the exact same experiences and stories as you. No one shares the same personality nor the same voice. No one can be you except for YOU. Which leads me to today’s discussion…

How Did You Find Your Blogger’s Voice?

Granted, it’s not something you lose or misplace. Your voice is not your house keys or your favorite tie. It can certainly be at the back of your closet or gut, but it’s always been there. It’s always existed.

Everyone has their voice, it’s just a matter of knowing how to use it and being confident enough to do so out loud or in this case, online.

So how did your= find your blogger’s or writer’s voice?

Has it sounded the same since your first blog post, or does it continue to evolve with every piece you write?

As for Me…

If you were to look at my first few articles on nittyGiddy, you’d probably recognize my humorous side, but that’s about it.

I was taking weird and wacky stories that I’d find on the net and trash them in a sarcastic yet comical way. I was reading current news and regurgitating them with my style. And though they’re not painful to read, I simply had no direction yet as to what I really wanted to write about; the theme or niche I wanted to pursue.

I knew what I loved writing about, but I lacked the confidence or the willingness to share a part of myself online; to include personal snippets of my life and how they relate or fit in with the topic at hand.

What I have found, is that although we each have our authentic or unique voices, we can sometimes mold our voice into what the topic wants or needs to tell itself. I’m not sure whether this makes sense to you so allow me to try and explain.

Let’s say you’re writing a piece on “Etcetera” but the story of “Etcetera” demands a peculiar stance and a specific voice that will stand out. So in reality, a writer’s voice, although natural and their own, comes about from the material they’re about to cover. Although apparent to you and your readers, your voice is often the consequence of your material – it arises from it.

Take a book author as an example. Their voice may change from book to book, but it’s still recognizable. It might be different than the last one they used, but it’s their’s nonetheless.

Okay, enough of my philosophical musings.

So how did I find my voice?

Well, I believe in writing from the heart. I also believe in writing about something you care about, something that inspires you, something you love.

I would use the term “passion”, but let’s face it – although I’m passionate and absolutely gaga about writing in general, I’m not IN LOVE with each topic I take on. It might have interested me or inspired me, for I think you have to be in order to portray a part of yourself through your words, but I might not be “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” over it.

But if you find that something you’re truly passionate about, then your distinct voice will come about regardless. It might take a little practice, but eventually, it will flow – sometimes even without you realizing.

The more you write, the more you become comfortable. Our work and our voice continuously evolve. Much like anything you consistently practice, you become better and your confidence grows. A confident writer has the power to let their thoughts shine.

It’s not about using big words, it’s about making a big impact with plain and simple ones.

The more blog posts I wrote, the more I challenged my comfort zone. I brought Griddy – the real live one – to the table. My personality can be seen in every article I write. And logically, why shouldn’t it be? After all, it’s me who’s writing. It’s my words, my mind, my style, my tone, my essence!

If you believe you stand out as a person, then believe you can stand out as a writer.

In real life, I’m pretty funny. I can be serious and I often am. But what I love to be and what I’m lucky to have come naturally to me, is a good sense of humor. If you were to ask my close friends to describe me in three words, funny or entertaining would be one of them.

I believe humor is an asset – and so I use it. Why on earth would I be entertaining offline and not online? It doesn’t make sense, since that’s who I really am. If you got it, then flaunt it! Just don’t be obnoxious – nobody likes a meaningless loud mouth.

Therefore when I write, I’m usually (not always) wearing my funny hat – metaphorically of course. There’s just no way in hell I could handle wearing a cap 15 hours a day!

I’m also rather opinionated. I mean come on – who isn’t in some way?! It’s one thing to share a flow of information, but it’s another thing to give your own take on it. People want to know what you think, how you think and why you think that way.

If I tell you G.W. Bush is hooked on phonics then you’ll wanna’ know why. But that’s an entirely different blog post for another blog ;).

My blogging forte is that I’m comfortable writing the way I speak. I whisper my words as I type them. I’m actually talking to myself. And I would recommend that any blogger do the same. Trust me – it works.

I learned that as a reader, I want to hear the writer’s words. I want to know that they’re saying them the way they would generally if I were sitting in front of them.

I read an endless number of articles each day. I think you have to read a lot as well as hear what others are saying. It helps you find your own pitch and style.

Finding your voice shouldn’t be a struggle – it just takes time.

You don’t have to try and sound like Hemingway or Poe. Just go with the flow, be yourself, trust yourself and write for yourself. Don’t worry too much what people will think or how they will perceive you. The important thing is that YOU sound like YOU and that YOU like YOU.

Our writing voice is like an unfinished canvas – a continuous work in progress.

What About You?

Did you claim your blogger’s voice?

Bring IT!

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About the Author

Ingrid Abboud aka 'Griddy' is a whole lot of things with a ridiculous amount of interests. For one, I'm a Social Media enthusiast with a tremendous passion for writing and blogging. I'm also a pretty cool Copywriter but a more serious MarCom Consultant. But most of all, I'm the proud owner and driving force behind - A Kinda Social Media Journal with Net News & more.

  • Stem Cell Treatment

    I have a lot interest to watch the bloggers voice !! But due to lack of communication I din’t hear about their voice !! Even I have a lot hesitation to talk to them !! I think they are more advance than me !!

  • Furniture Singapore

    OK will you tell me about thanks what is the main point of writing blogging. If you have any options then plezz told me I want to be write blog but due to little bit of confusion I can’t enhance my thought so plezz help me…

  • Soulati

    Unreal. I had to scroll until tomorrow to get down here to add my two cents. Well here I am; am I going to get lost in the comments and will you find me? You didn’t find me before until four days after I posted. You like everyone else better, I know it.

    Voice. It’s the hardest thing for a blogger to figure out, and it doesn’t come for a good long time. My blog is still less than 2 years old; that’s not a lot of time yet it’s enough to realize new confidence with voice. I didn’t want to write about PR, but after seeing the need, feeling that passion, knowing my profession provides me with inspiration, it started to come. The comments encourage you to write more, be stronger,  have an opinion, and encourage everyone to join in the conversation.

    Your blog requires a voice, yet it’s a collection of voices that make a blog sing.

  • Ana | Traffic Generation Cafe

    My blogs are all ME. I use my own voice – no nonsense, honest and a touch of humor. People like it or they don’t. (Well, I hope they do!) :-)

    • Ingrid Abboud

      My dear Ana – I guarantee you that people like it – and they like you and the work you do! I may be speaking for myself here but I think it’s very safe to say that many will agree with me on that.

      Your voice is Ana – much like my voice is Griddy – that’s all you really need!

      Thanks Tzarina
      I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this.


  • Sonia

    I found my voice once I realized that my writing didn’t sound like me. My first posts were me going through some shit in my life and once I was over that I was like, “what the hell is this shit?”. I think that is why I love reading other blogs, commenting and finding what works for me and what doesn’t. Some stay politically correct and others just don’t give a shit. I love being me and telling it like it is. I can’t write for Jennifer, Joe, Tom, Dick and Harry, I just have to write the way I know how: FOR ME! This was a great post girl…I love the way you keep it real and straight to the point!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Sonia,

      I love your attitude. Telling it like it is – no BS – is what I’m about and I couldn’t agree more with you. I could try to sound like Brogan or Godin all day long – but what good does that do me or my readers? And what’s the point? Why not simply be me and share what I know with my experiences and my real life voice? After all – it’s the one I’m good at.

      I truly believe that if you write like you talk and you write for yourself first – people will be attracted to you and your personality – as long as you actually have one of course lol. When I write – i whisper the words to myself as I type each one – much like I’m doing now. I want to hear me speak – and I want to know that others are reading my content the way I’m saying it – as if I were sitting next to them having a cup of joe’s. Does that make sense? I hope so :).

      I can’t worry about what each person will think when they read my work. It should be obvious by now to just about everyone that we can’t please everyone. That’s where knowing your audience comes in quite handy. I also believe in talking with your readers and not at them. The last thing anybody wants to read on a blog is someone lecturing them.

      I also don’t think there isn’t a one-for-all formula. As you implied – it’s a matter of seeing what works best for you for not everything that works for others will for you.

      Anyhow – those are just my thoughts on the topic ;).
      Thanks for your awesome comment and your very supportive words. I appreciate it. I hope to see you around these parts more often Sonia.

      Have a great day.

  • diana baur

    hmmmmm (unknotting myself from the complicated and painful yoga position this post made me get into so that I could contemplate it fully but then stayed in so long that my extremities got numb).

    This is something I think about. A lot. Too much. Where am I going with my blogging? What audience do I want to reach? How much do I let comments guide my writing? Is it ever really going to take off? Am I being too self absorbed? Do I put things under the magnifying glass too much? Am I fishing for compliments?

    Is there life as we understand it in other galaxies? If so, am I saying anything to them that might be of interest? Would they like me if they met me?

    Hang on, I have to shake the needles out of my hand again.

    I am beginning to think of this process as a funnel. At first, when the opening is at its largest, you throw a bunch of stuff in. Some is representative of the best of you and the rest, well, isn’t. But you start to recognize what is the best of you as it works its way out the other end and you start to see yourself blossom by going in a specific direction.

    I am still working my way through the percolation process in my particular funnel but I am on the move. I feel it. I know it. I also know I need to stop saying stupid things to myself like “how do I get it moving like (all the other much bigger more fab bloggers I know – fill in any name you want here)? I’m such a loser. Poor poor pitiful me. Yawn. ”

    I want to keep being honest. I want to keep cutting out adverbs. I want to keep getting better. I want to suss out my niche audience (alien or otherwise) and I want to blast them with goodness.

    Which is why I need people like you to remind me of how to keep going when I turn into a stupid head and think I’m not good enough.


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Diana,

      I apologize for my late reply to you here :(. My bad!
      I also have to see what a frickin’ awesome comment :)! Thank you for sharing your very vivid thoughts here. I do appreciate them and can relate in many ways.

      I’m sure a lot of us still ask ourselves where we are going with our blogging efforts. I know I do at times. And though I may have a great idea of the direction I want to be in – I often question whether I’m doing it the right way. But then I read the comments I receive and I know I’m doing something right because I have the audience and community that any blogger at my level/stage could hope for. They are my main motivation.

      Like you said – at first, we throw a lot of stuff out there. You’d literally pee your pants if you read some of my older posts and compared them to what I have now. I’m not saying that my posts now are God’s gift to writing and blogging but there is indeed a huge difference. I’m more comfortable with myself and sharing bits and pieces of myself online (to an extent) as long as they pertain to the topic. I realized that people don’t want meaningless regurgitations – they want your experiences, they want to hear how you succeeded as well as how you failed and what you did for both. They want your take on things and not that of Joe Shmoe! They can go read Joe’s blog if they care – but if they’re here – they want your view, your voice, your opinion!

      In all honesty – I don’t think you should compare yourself to anyone else out there – whether an A-lister or not. Only you can be yourself. Only you can build the audience you want and attract a like-minded community of engagers and thinkers and supporters. I believe my audience appreciates my writing because my personality goes into it – not that of Chris Brogan’s or Seth Godin’s or insert any other big name here. They’re here cause they want to hear Griddy say it just like when they’re on your blog, they want to hear Diana say it.

      Finding our voice just requires a little time and practice. We each have our voice and if we like the way we sound in person out loud then we can sound the exact same way online in writing. At least that’s what I think and that’s exactly how I sound. When I said I say my words out loud or whisper them as I type them – I was being dead serious. I listen to myself type and I know I’m me. I’m not a research paper for History class, I’m not a scientific study, I’m Ingrid writing for Ingrid in a way that Ingrid’s friends and readers will know her and enjoy listening to her and talking with her. But most of all, I’m genuine – at least I hope haha.

      Your comment here and the way you wrote it tells me you do indeed have your voice and an authentic and unique one at that. We all do. It’s just a matter of letting go and writing from the heart. And your comment I would presume was written directly from the heart – without thinking too much about what I or my readers will think of you when we read it. Which is exactly the mind frame one should have when blogging.

      I mean be totally wrong here. All I know is that this is what works for me and I think it will work for many as well.

      Forgive my novel length reply. I hope my musings were useful and meaningful in some way rather than mindless ramblings hahaha.

      Thanks again so much for your wonderful and honest comment. I hope to see you around these parts more often. Welcome to the community.

      Have a great week.

      PS – Once again – sorry for taking 6 days to reply. My excuse is that I have no good excuse ;).

  • Fast Printing

    I’d like to blog, sell about a dozen items & give others the opportunity to refer the site & get some residual off the sales. Is there a good platform that can do all of these fairly easily?Thanks in advance.

  • Benny Hsu

    Hey Griddy,

    Followed a RT here and looks like I’ve been missing out on some kick ass content. I’ll have to catch up.

    I’m finding my way on my blog now. I’m sure I haven’t found my voice yet. I doubt it since it’s relatively new. I’m sure it’ll come as I write more and more.

    I do notice when I go to an A list blogger’s page, I like to go to their archives and look at their old stuff. It’s usually very different than what they’re writing now. I hope that’ll be me.

    And I’ll try the whispering to myself when I talk! Sounds useful!!


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Benny,

      I’m glad the little bird brought you over here :).

      I think the more you write the more you become comfortable with your voice. Some people find their pitch from their first post (although I have yet to hear someone say that lol) and others with time. But it constantly evolves.

      Whether you’re an A-lister or not – and I believe that’s for your audience to decide – your writings and confidence level grows with every article you publish. My list of A-listers are those folks who do what an A-lister or what any blogger should – so they’re not necessarily the big names you only hear of over and over. It’s always good to look at the up and coming folks who are doing it right.

      If you were to look at my first blog posts – you’d laugh. But that’s about it haha. You’ll see the humor int eh posts but my real personality – is much more evident now and for the last 6 months or so. Like I said – I write the exact same way I talk – and that’s what makes it personal, that’s what makes readers relate to me and my words. They know a human is behind there.

      As for sounding the words out as you type – heck, I’m doing it right now lol ;). Let me know if it works for you. All you gotta’ do is be yourself and sound like yourself. And no one knows that better than you.

      Best of luck.
      Hope to see you around these parts more often.


  • WebMechanix

    For me, to find inspiration, I just tell myself that something will “just hit me” later — then try to take my mind off the subject and sure enough, 5 minutes later it HITS ME.. BOOM, idea, YES!

    As for ones blogger voice — it definitely evolves with time, and, as you said, will need to change based on the topic or audience, but some aspects are still there (namely, level and style of humor)… reading something without a little humor is like brushing your teeth without any toothpaste (that was probably the worst analogy – but maybe you get the point? haha)

    Let me ask you this: Have you ever used a fake name? Maybe for a guest post, or maybe you run another website that you might not want your name to be associated with? Example: I have a “dating tips for guys” type website on which all the bloggers use fake names and are much more “real” so to speak… but when I’m writing on our company’s blog, I defintiely go a little more technical and semi-professional…

    I DEFINTIELY agree with “writing from the heart” — It’s SO MUCH easier to write about what you know, what you love, what you care about – rather than anything else.. blog on.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Arsham,

      I’m not quite sure how I missed this comment – but it seems that I did and I apologize for keeping you waiting so long. My bad :(.

      It’s funny how inspiration often hits us at the most random times – when we’re not even looking for it. It’s almost like when you lose something and you can ‘t find it – if you stop looking for it – it will siply pop up somewhere.

      You’re right in that humor adds a lot to a post – when you can pull it off of course. Some topics can take a little humor or sarcasm or wit but others – maybe with some of the personal development topics or others – humor may not find a proper place. But as you know – I’m a huge fan of humor and I find that it lightens the reading – especially with the longer posts – and it captures attention. And yes – I got the point with that very original analogy haha.

      To answer your question – I’ve never used a pseudonym – at least not yet – but I know many who do and for several plausible reasons. Two very famous bloggers who use “pen names” are James Chartrand from Men with Pens (James is actually a woman) and Johnny Truant. And both have done wonders with their blogs and reputation actually – so these are pretty good examples.

      I can definitely see how people would use a fake name for your dating tips blog. Heck, maybe I would too in that case. I think one of the reasons could be that it allows them to be more honest and open up without the fear of being recognized, embarrassed and so forth. It’s very understandable in that sense.

      As for writing from the heart – it’s the only way I know how – at least for when it comes to blogging that is. For my clients – well that’s a different story haha.

      Thanks for another of your awesome comments. And once again – I’m really sorry that I missed this before and I’m thankful for your patience.


  • Jimi Jones

    Yet another wonderful post, my friend!

    Lots of great comments as well.

    Now let’s see… I think the easiest way to find your writing voice is to not look for it in the first place. Just relax and “talk” to the keyboard in your own conversational style, not fearing what others will think of you. Of course, this is easier said than done for those new to writing in the public domain, we have that initial stage-fright thing going on.

    I recall my very first blog post, it took me about 6 or 8 hours to complete because I was hung up on how I would be perceived. “Oh, what will they think of me?” I repeatedly asked myself, which led to rewrite after rewrite. Finally, with sweaty palms, I hit the publish button and continued to wonder what “they” would think.

    This silliness went on for some time until one day I asked myself, “who the hell is they?” I’ve got something to say and I’m going to do just that. Besides, you’re not going to be a rock star with the world anyhow, so just put it out there and allow those that like it to respond while understanding that those that don’t will simply move on with life.

    This whole blogging thing is like watching TV. Don’t like the topic, change the channel to something more entertaining. I think most writers experience a wee bit of this early shyness, but come to realize that it’s hardly worth losing sleep over.

    Like most things in life, if you think you can’t do it, you’re probably right. :-)

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Jimi,

      Sorry for the late reply my friend. I was a bit overwhelmed with getting my guide out this week so it took me a little time to come back here and respond :(.

      I couldn’t agree more with what you said here my friend. I certainly “talk to my keyboard” and more haha. Heck, I’m doing it right now. I like to say, that if you sound like you when you type then others will relate to you – they know you’re real and that your personality in injected into your words.

      And like we both touched upon – we often worry so much about how we’re gonna’ sound to others that we forget to let the words flow and sound like ourselves. What really matters is what you think. How does it sound to you? That’s the mindset I’ve learned to write with. And though I may know my audience – and I consider them when I write – I write for myself first. I don’t want to worry whether they’ll think I’m smart or no – I already know that I am. I don’t want to have to worry whether they think I’m funny or not – again I already know that I can be when it’s appropriate. All I care about is that they get to know a little bit about me through my words. That my real voice is what they’re reading. That I would sound the same if they were sitting across the table from me having a bite to eat.

      I think its a matter of comfort and practice. The more you practice, the more you find your comfort zone and the more your confidence grows. Just my 2 cents.

      Loved your comment and what you said here. I completely agree with each of your points and I think you do a great job of this yourself. It’s so nice to have your thoughts on this one my friend :). Thank you for taking the time to come back and share.

      Wishing you a great long weekend.

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  • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

    Basically this is a very long but short story. I was on my to market because I was out of Creme of Tartar. Well I thought I was. It was a little spice jar I never used that was labeled Creme of Tartar and obviously needed to be filled. Being nice out I walked to the market hoping there was a Creme of Tartar sale because sales save money. Along the way I saw this Chipmunk under a bush near a Corvette. I think it was a 1986 Model but still looking pretty sweet. And it was bright yellow. Anyway as I was walking this Chipmunk said “PSSST!” i looked around wondering who he was saying PSSST! to. And there was no one around. So I walked over and said ‘Is this your Corvette?’ He said “No I am not old enough to drive but I found something and for the right price maybe I will let you have it”

    Now of course I was totally intrigued. He said ‘Make sure no one is looking because what I have will get us arrested’. I was shocked he knew I liked breaking the law. I looked around and I saw no one and he pulled out of his pocket this little golden embroidered bag. Of course I immediately though he was a drug pushing Chipmunk. But were the drugs good? Would a Chipmunk know if they were.

    ‘Whats in the bag Chipmunk?” He said ‘A blog voice’. I said ‘What!?’ He said ‘A blog voice. Come here I will show you. They guy who owns the Corvette dropped it when he parked his car so i grabbed it’. I was like ‘You stole his blog voice?!!!’ He said ‘Sssssshhhh your going to attract attention. Its only slightly used and I will let you have it for just a favor’ Of course now I was thinking if he is on the level it could be my lucky day. So I asked to hear it. He said I can hear it but I can’t hold the bag. I only get it if I do him his favor.

    I knelt down and he opened the bag and it was the most incredible blog voice I had ever heard. It was amazing! I knew I had to have it. I said ‘Name your price Chipmunk’ He said ‘I want one carton of Pall Mall unfiltered cigarettes’ I was like ‘That’s it?’ He said ‘Yes that’s it. But you have to deliver them to my hole around the corner under the juniper tree, and take each one out and lower it down one at a time’

    I thought well hell that’s a bit tedious, and he might be under age, but I am already dealing with blog voice trafficking how much more trouble can I get into if I am caught? So I agreed. And less than an hour later and a second run to the store for a lighter I had my blog voice.

    • Bill Dorman

      What an incredible journey, thanks for sharing. I had heard a similar story, but the cigs were Lucky Strikes and the chipmunk had a tat……………:)

      • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

        Thanks for cracking me up to start my day Bill. Maybe my chipmunk traded some of the cigs for a tattoo and a 40ozer? I can just hope so. 8)

        Its kind funny that while I dabble in Blogging to help my business out…kind of against my will, I love reading more than writing and read a ton of blogs, that I know have so many great connections with people who blog seriously. And even ironic that I do some guest blog pieces when really I just want to show up for the open bar.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Consider this blog to have happy hour 24 hours a day ;)! Just name your poison and Bill the bartender is at your service hehehe.

          Now a chipmunk with a tatoo – huh! Pretty crazy if you ask me hehehe.

      • Ingrid Abboud

        I can’t stop laughing at what you both said here :)!! LOL

    • Ingrid Abboud

      I don’t even know how to reply to this. As much as I laughed, I’m in complete disbelief in that you actually concocted this fantastic and incredibly creative story to use as a comment when all I feel like doing right now is starting a new post and calling it “How a Chipmunk Helped the Chief Alien Find His Blogging Voice”. LMAO Howie! Seriously!

      This is just to brilliantly funny and somewhat wacky ;)!
      Now tell me – was the Chipmunk’s name Alvin ;)? But most importantly – does the voice he sold you (or more like bartered) sound like Alvin’s? hehe

      Awesome Howie. Simply awesome imagination!
      This should be turned into a cartoon or at least we should have someone like Joey Strawn draw up a sketch to go along with the story.

      I believe a hail to the Chief Alien is in order here :).

      • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

        Hi name was Patricio you forget this was Los Angeles. While technically an American Chipmunk his family roots were from Argentina.

        As for the voice he sold me? It was deep and soft yet commanding. Kind of like Ricardo Montebaln.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Patricio? hihihi
          He could also be Persian you know haha

  • Lisa Gerber

    This is such an important topic and one that any blogger should be able to describe when asked the question. But it does come with time. It evolves and becomes something that is shaped not only by the blogger but also the community that begins to grow around it. I struggle with this on my own blog. I had started it a few years ago, when I had my own business, but now my focus is on Spin Sucks, so what does my blog become? I haven’t answered that question yet, and I ask myself each day. But it will come.
    It can’t be forced. it has to be a natural extension of whatever is.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Lisa,
      Great to see you back here :).

      You’re absolutely right about being shaped by the community that grows around our blogs. I think that’s an excellent point. Although I write for myself first – I do have a good sense of my audience and the community I have here – which hopefully will continue to grow. As a writer or blogger – you can’t please everyone – no matter how hard you try. And in all honesty – you’re not supposed to. Your target market isn’t everybody – much like that of a product’s. If you familiarize yourself with your audience or readers, then you should know whether your style and voice works for them or not.

      I’m not familiar with your personal blog. What is it about – the theme/niche? Do you still write over there or are you just focusing on Spin Sucks for now? Hope you don’t mind the 20 questions hehe :). I’m just interested, that’s all.

      I believe that our voice has always been there – it’s just a matter of knowing how to use it, what we want to say when we do and how to express ourselves in a way that connects or relates to people – to our readers or listeners. And the more we do it – the more we get better and the more it evolves and takes shape. It shouldn’t be a huge struggle – it should at some point begin to flow and just come naturally. That’s why I write here the way I speak in real life. It’s just me. That’s all I have to offer.

      Anyways – I’ve rambled enough haha.
      It’s a pleasure to have you as a part of this wonderful community. Hope you meet tons of new folks here and make even more friends – cause they truly are exceptional.

      Happy weekend to you.

    • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

      Lisa tell Gini I am going to coach you on what kind of voice to have on Spin Sucks. If that doesn’t keep her up at night I don’t know what would 8)

      • Ingrid Abboud

        Good luck Lisa – actually good luck Gini haha :).

  • GraphicDesignMelbourne

    Hi, Ingrid.

    I have a confession to make. I am not sure yet if I am really showing my own voice in my blog. I am still at a point in my blogging where I am suspended being the guy who does the designs and the guy who wishes to inform my public. I think I tend to be too stiff when writing and I need to lose that. I am now trying to work things out in the way I write things so I can slowly show who I am as a person into the stuff that I am writing. I am glad I got into the blogging community though because I am learning new everyday. Thanks!

    – Wes –

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Wes,
      How are you? Hope your weekend is treating you well so far.

      I think just about everyone has made a confession like that at some point. And in my opinion – it’s completely normal. Finding a way to use our voice the way we want others to hear us for who and what we are is just a matter of time and a little practice. If you can try to write the way you would explain it to me if I were sitting in front of you – then I think you’re golden.

      I usually talk to myself when I write – I literally do. I sit and mouth the words out loud or whisper them so that I can hear myself say them as I write them. I have to sound like me – whether I’m telling a personal story or experience or explaining a new tool or so forth.

      I couldn’t even begin to explain or share all the things I’ve started blogging. It’s truly incredible and beyond overwhelming – but it’s an amazing journey that never stops – at least for me. I learn from each post I read (and write) and even more so from the comments that follow -whether here or elsewhere. There’s so many amazing people out there and they all have something of value to share. And heck – I’m gonna’ listen if they interest me.

      Reading a lot of blogs also helps in finding your true voice. But at the end of the day – it’s yours and yours alone – and it continues to evolve with each new piece your write and with each comment your make.

      Wishing you the best of luck in find that perfect medium.
      Thanks a lot for being so open and candid with your thoughts here. Much appreciated.
      Have a good weekend.


      • GraphicDesignMelbourne

        Hi, Ingrid.

        I hope your weekend is going great as well. Mine sure did, as what always happens when I spend time with the wife and the kids. :)

        Thank you for the encouragement about finding my voice. As I learn from a great number of blogs like yours, Danny, Ari, Brankica, Mark and many others, I know I will soon find and develop the voice that I can call my own.

        – Wes –

  • davinabrewer

    The problem with getting here late is that Paul, John, Bill, Lori, Mufasa and company have already said everything good. So what can I add except snark and sass?

    I found my voice:

    – Writing. LIE. Typing.
    – Reading. News, magazines, other blogs. Like the works of many of these fine folks who beat me to the clever comments.
    – Writing. Commenting on other blogs. So I can then steal the good ideas for myself.

    That’s what it took to let go, just keep writing. I have goals to be sure, it is my BUSINESS blog but I don’t want that to get in the way, keep it from being real. Which is why I loved this “although I’m passionate and absolutely gaga about writing in general, I’m not IN LOVE with each topic I take on.” WORD. I like what I do, get pretty fired up about the way I like to tweet and network and blog, but that’s it. I don’t live to work so not every post on marketing and PR will have that ‘crazy nuts’ passion.

    I do try to write with humor and understand there will be jokes that bomb, opinions that will offend and brilliant posts that will go untweeted. Just part of it. ITA that it’s an evolutionary process, writing and voice will grow and change.. hopefully for the better. FWIW.

    • Anonymous

      Ahhh…but we can’t fire off the acronyms the way you can Davina!

      • davinabrewer

        I sometimes use a cheat sheet.. or just make ’em up.. sshhh, don’t tell. 😉

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Ohhhhh I heard that Davina :)!!!
          Don’t worry – your secret is safe online hahaha.

      • Ingrid Abboud

        Hear, hear Paul!
        I will admit to opening the acronym lists to sometimes learn a few that she mentions. She really rocks at them. And here I thought I had them down for my BBM and SMS’s. Pffffff….I’ve got nothing on this woman!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hola Davina :)

      I love snark and sass – so by all means – add as much as you got – cause I’ll take it my dear haha ;).

      But yes – you’re right – those awesome folks you mentioned and more have done a heck of a job contributing to the conversation.

      Reading and reading a lot – is just about one of the best things you can do to find your voice and help it differentiate from the rest. Because I believe it already does – but you just have to practice so that others see it does too. And so it sounds just like you would in real life. I like to think that if and when we meet – you’d say I sound the same as I do on my blog. When I know someone in person and I read something they wrote – I imagine them saying it to me – with their tone, their style, their voice and their accent. It’s weird but it works.

      As for commenting – oh my!!! I think I’ve written a few novels and even more eBooks considering the length of my comments and that of my replies to folks who have taken the time to leave a meaningful one for me. And yes – the best ideas as well as the learning – often comes from the comments – much more so than from the actual post. Before I comment on an article – I make it a point to read as many of the comments that have been left already. You never know when there’s something you want to add on to.I also often comment and then read what others said and maybe join in their conversation – but I do that so as not to be influenced. I want my comment to sound like me and to have my take on it first and then…

      It’s great to know that we agree on that. About being gaga for writing in general but not about each topic we cover. In all honesty – I think it’s true for most people.

      As you said – you don’t want to take away the REAL and the HUMAN away from the business blog. After all – people are there to connect with you in person and listen to your take on things. You might represent what you do – but your voice is unique to you and you alone.

      “I don’t live to work…” – oh, how true that is!!! I would say, I work to live so that I can live the way I want. But luckily for me – I am able to love what I work in – the general concept and not every individual project.

      Much like you I write with humor – when I see fit – which is almost always lol. Why? Because like you – I like to think that I’m funny in real life as well – so why not show it in my writing if I can afford to have that luxury of writing about what I want – and I do :).

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this Davina. You truly are an exceptional conversationalist and it’s a pleasure read both your posts and your comments. You bring so much to the table and you do it with style and snarkiness – which I love hehe.

      Happy weekend to you.

  • Margaret Adams

    For me the voice issue is about writing as you speak and speaking as you write.

    I write my articles, blog posts and the rest in the style I would use if I were sitting talking to a small group of people about the subject.

    It took me years and years to learn how to write simply. You know what I mean. The word is fire not conflagration.


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Margaret and welcome :)
      Great of you stop by here today and share your input. I appreciate it.

      I couldn’t agree more with you on this. I too write my blog posts as if I were sitting with you having a meal and a good conversation.

      Writing simply can sometimes have a tremendous effect. For as I said – and I do believe this – it’s not about showing off with big words that we need a dictionary for – it’s about talking and making an impact with the everyday simple ones. Hence – I write the way I talk. If a big word slips in there once in a while – so be it. But you won’t see them too often here.

      Thanks again for your comment.
      Hope to see you here more often.

      • Margaret Adams

        Well, I’m back. Interesting blog.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Thanks Margaret. Glad you think so :).

  • Srinivas Rao


    This is probably one of my favorite subjects to discuss with people in the Blogosphere. In fact it’s a person’s voice on their blog that draws me in more than any other element of their blog. I don’t care about how big they are, how much money they make, or how many followers they have. If they have a unique voice, I’m happy to be their one and only subscriber.

    So, now on to your question. How do you find a voice? The reality of this is that there is really no formula. Unless your name is Ashley Ambirge, it takes time. One thing I’ve always said is that “you know that you have found your voice when people meet you in person and you’re exactly what they would expect after reading your blog.” So how does that translate into your writing? By doing many of the things you said above. Write as if you were talking to somebody while drinking a beer with them. In many ways I think a person’s blog should read as if I’m having a conversation with them.

    Sometimes I think we get caught up in all the nonsense we learned in grammar school about how to write properly, how to follow the rules and all that stuff. But the medium of blogging requires a completely different approach. I even once said you should forget everything you know about writing in order to be a successful blogger. Sometimes our knowledge is actually our greatest limitation in our ability to write. If anything, the medium of blogging has given us an opportunity for COMPLETE freedom of expression. Once you start embracing that you’ll start to find a voice.

    I write every single day even it’s for 20 minutes. Most of what I write sucks. But 1 out of 5 posts are worth publishing. I think that this process really helps to you refine your voice. I also thing that responding to blog comments is another great way to develop and refine your voice. I think it’s alway interesting to go back and look at the earliest posts of any well known blogger. There’s always a clear evolution that’s happen. I looked back over the last few weeks at some of my posts and I was shocked at how BAD they were :). Like I said, one of my favorite subjects. And let me sat that you of course, have developed a very unique voice that keeps me coming back for more.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Well Heck Srini – this comment is just the bomb and then some my friend!!!! Wow and wow again. I kinda feel like adding this as an extension to my post lol :).

      Much like you – it’s a person’s voice and personality that draws me to their blog. I don’t give a crap how popular they are of if they’re labeled as an A-lister or not – if you’ve got something to say and you’ve got that “je ne sais quoi” to say it with – then I’m a fan. Newbie or oldie – I will read you and take the time to get know a little more about you.

      When I first started blogging – I didn’t know about A-listers. I had no clue who they were or what they were all about. I had never commented before and didn’t know the first thing about blogs or bloggers. I didn’t have Alexa – so the rankings meant nothing to me. I just read – that’s all.

      The first two blogs I ever commented on – not knowing how huge these folks actually were – were Glen Allsopp’s ViperChill and Tamar Weinberg’s Techipedia. I commented because their words spoke to me and they inspired me somehow.

      Today – if i come across a blog post that has no comments or if I see that it might not be as “popular” as others – but has content that’s written in a way I like, with a voice I enjoy – then I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna give it the time of day.

      As for Ash from TMF Project – she’s just fantastic – an exceptional writer with a captivating voice. Once I start reading her – I can’t stop.

      I couldn’t agree more with you on this in that your voice should sound the same as when people who have read you – meet you in person. I write the way I speak because it’s actually how I truly sound. If you meet me than the next time you read one of my posts you will hear me talking with you. It’s all about having a conversation. Think of yourself at a gathering with friends. You talk with them and not at them.

      I like to think that this comes naturally to me – but it did take me a while to push my comfort zone a little more. And the more I write – the more I push it and the more I become confident. So in that sense – I do believe that our writing evolves.

      We often worry what people will think – how they will perceive us – smart? funny? silly? knowledgeable? whatever…And in all honesty – if you just start to write and let the words flow – then you’re often able to forget how you will sound to others – because what matters is how you sound to yourself. I know that I’m smart – I know that I’m funny – I know a few of the qualities that I possess. So when I write – these should come out regardless – just by being myself.

      I write for me first – but I do know my audience – or at least I’ve learned to know them and to get to know them.

      As for proper grammar at all times – pffff….. 😉
      I’m for spelling words correctly – but we all make typos and mistakes. Not everyone has English as their first language. But I will use hyphens and apostrophes, parentheses, exclamation marks and etcetera’s where my English teacher would tell me not to. Why? Because that’s how I feel when I write them. If I need to say it with a bang – then there will be an exclamation!!! Or three 😉 lol.

      As long as it’s readable – then I’m fine with it. But again – for spelling – there should be a minimum.

      Much like you – I write everyday as well. Even if it’s in my little notebook with my little mechanical pencil. I need to write something – anything! I love to write! I can’t see myself going about my life not doing so.

      As for your 1 out of 5 LOL. You should really see some of my earlier posts – you’d fall over laughing – seriously! I decided at first that I would be original and not use capital letters. Not sure what came over me there but now every once in a while – I go back to a post and fix it up a bit.

      I’ve evolved because I have a much better idea of the direction I’m going. I’ve evolved because I realized that I wasn’t the only one blogging with a few challenges here and there. I’ve evolved because I learned to know my audience. I’ve evolved because I’ve become more confident in myself as an online writer. I’ve evolved because of the comments I receive and every single one that I try and reply to. I’ve evolved because it’s the natural course to anything we consistently practice with all our heart!

      I’ve evolved because I love what I do here!

      Thank you so much for that wonderful comment Srini. It’s obvious that this topic hit home for you and that it means a lot. I’m also flattered and honored by your kind compliment. Coming from you – it means a lot. So a big thank you :). I love that you keep coming back and hope you will for a long time to come.

      Needless to say how I feel about your writing. You are an inspiration in every sense of the way!

      I hope things are going well for you in Costa Rica.
      Talk to you soon.


      • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

        Ingrid you are an A Lister in my book and one of I think 35 listed on my blog. If someone is listed on my blog they are an A Lister. There really is no other list of importance. Because you not only have a blog voice and great community you dance in underground bunkers and snack on dates and figs while at the pool overlooking Byblos while men fan you with massive palm fronds!

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Oh wow – thank YOU so much Howie. That’s an amazing compliment and I’m flattered you think so :). Muchas gracias Chief Alien.

          As for that vivid description – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Now I can’t want that haha. But without the dates and figs please ;).
          Good call on Byblos btw.

  • Lori Gosselin

    Hi Griddy,
    I’ve been thinking about your question, which you answered so well, and which so many others have too. What’s my answer? I’m still finding my voice. I think, like you, I need to read a lot of different bloggers work so as not to pick up one particular voice. It happens unconsciously – like picking up a mood from a book you’ve been reading, at least it does for me.

    I think finding my voice has been more about finding the confidence to put myself out there, warts and all (no, I don’t really have actual warts!) I think its about writing the way I speak, but cleaning it up a bit in terms of grammar at the same time. (I’m a voracious editor of my own stuff!) Finding my voice has been about shedding all the other voices that were in my head and letting mine come through.

    If you’re going to be yourself, you’re going to have a different voice, right, because we’re all unique. Being yourself just shows people who they’re talking to!

    You do it well – you talk like I imagine you speak. I feel as if I would “know” you already on our first meeting. (Well that and, you know, the other [Leb] thing!)

    Have a good one!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Lori,

      You’re so right on how we pick up voices sometimes – much like the mood we get after reading a book or watching a movie – it surely can affect our tone and writing voice. But then you go back to you.

      Confidence – in my opinion – has a lot to do with it. And much like in real life – the more you work on something the better it gets and the more confidence you build to do it again and again. The first project I took on as a copywriter – I may have acted confident as heck, but deep down I was worried I’d mess up – or disappoint my client. And although I still sometimes worry about disappointing them – I know I’m much more sure of myself that I won’t. You can’t please everyone – but you can write and do it in a way where you please yourself first.

      Finding your voice is a matter of time much more than it is a struggle – at least for me. I know I’m unique – we all our in our own way. I also have a good feel for my audience – although it continues to grow (fingers crossed lol). But regardless – I still write the way I speak – the exact same way I would say it to you out loud if I were having coffee with you. People are interested in hearing you talk – you – a human – you – someone like them who feels, who has stories, who has ups and downs, who loves and hurts, who everything like them…maybe differently but like them nonetheless.

      Thanks so much for that compliment. And yes – if and WHEN we do meet, I would hope that you can tell me – hey, Griddy – I already know you. You sound the same on paper (online) as you do in person ;). And yes – it’s totally the Leb thing ahahaha.

      Awesome of you to take the time to share your thoughts on this one Lori. It’s a topic I really like and one that I think is important – for any blogger or even person alive actually. Finding our voice and making it stand out is what sets us apart – it’s how people see us and remember us.

      Hope you have a super weekend.

  • Don

    I found you by your comment posted on Ana’s site, Web Traffic. I looked forward to taking some time and reading all the morsels of goodness on your blog!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Don,
      Glad you came by and I hope you liked what you saw here :).
      I’m glad Ana’s TFC lead you my way and I hope to see you here in the future.


  • Mark Harai

    Hi Ingrid – Everything you’ve stated here is spot on – I really don’t have a thing to add… However, this statement struck a major accord with me:

    “If you believe you stand out as a person, then believe you can stand out as a writer.”

    I’m not a professional writer and I’ve always associated being a blogger with being a proficient writer. So, I just never took blogging serious as I didn’t see myself as a writer or blogger.

    My thinking or perception was definitely off here. I’ve been taking a serious stab at blogging now for the last few months and it has been nothing short of fabulous experience. I’ve learned so much, met some great people like you and have deepened my relationship with many folks in my social network.

    It’s so true — if you have confidence in yourself as a person it will shine through in your writing. And, the more you write, the more of you comes out… at least that has been my experience through just the exercise of learning how to write [somewhat]

    I don’t know how to be anything but myself – that is my voice, and as I become more confident and keep plugging away, people will get a sense of who and what I’m about through my writing. I love it.

    Thanks for the mental exercise today Griddy, you rock and roll miss!!!

    • Bill Dorman

      Hey Mark, you are standing out; that was a good comment because I think there is a large percentage of people in social media who use the anonymity to blossom. A lot of the techie, computer crowd are not social by nature; this gives them a platform to let people see them for who they think they really are.

      I certainly stand out in person…………but it might be for the bad clothes I wear, or bad hair, or bad breath………but at least it’s memorable, huh? Kinda like bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.

      Sorry to butt in, but wanted to comment.

      • Mark Harai

        Hey Bill, thanks for the feedback here, Griddy love’s it when folks jump in and add to the conversation.

        It’s funny, I was just talking to my friend Srinivas Rao [theskooloflife – you should check out his work] and he said the same thing as you.

        Tech heads, as you’re aware, are not social creatures of habit, and I really can’t see how these can fake being social… they don’t even like talking to mere humans, it’s just not in their nature and half the time they talk, they don’t make any sense – haha!

        Cheers to you Bil : )

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Griddy most certainly does and then some!!! :)

          It’s true – commenting is not simply about talking with the author, it’s about talking with the other people who commented as well. That’s how relationships form and how we get to know one another.

          Thanks Mark :)

      • Ingrid Abboud

        That’s a good point about the techieI and computer crowd – although I hate to generalize but for the most part it can be true. Though I have come across many who inject a ton of personality and social-ness in their writing in turn allowing us to see their other side.

        And since I’ve never seen you in person, I can’t judge your clothes just yet hahaha. But that jacket looks pretty spiffy and cool ;).

        Feel free to butt in any time. That’s what having a conversation is all about my friend. Heck, I love it!!!

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Mark,

      In all honesty that phrase came to me as I was writing this piece. And the more I read it, the more I believe it!

      I don’t think you have to be an experienced writer to blog and be good at it. It’s not about what you learned in English class when it comes to blogging. It’s how you can express yourself with simple yet powerful words and how you can help others. It’s about writing the way you feel – showing your human side. Writing like you’re talking to the person or people in front of you. Following the tone of your voice and putting it on paper – or keyboard that is. I don’t know if this makes sense to you ro not but I hope it does.

      And yes – the more confidence you build, the better you become at writing and expressing yourself. Your personality will shine without a doubt. I think you could take a look at any bloggers files (even those you and I admire and call friends) and compare their first 20 pieces to their last 20. I’m willing to bet that there’s a difference. Heck, there’s a huge difference with mine and I’m sure yours as well.

      I would hope that everyone would only know to be themselves – it really easy so much easier than mimicking or taking on the style and personality of others. A chameleon blogger can only go so far without having their real side revealed. And yes – the more we blog – the more people get a sense for who and what we are. Sure – some things remain private and will always be – but through our words, sotires and experiences (as long as they’re genuine and real) we show off a side of ourself that others can decide for themselves if they like or not, if they admire or not…

      Thanks so much for that amazing comment Mark. But most of all – thanks for being you. It truly is a pleasure to get to know you a little more each time you stop by and each time you publish a post.

      You keep rockin’ it TOO! :)

      Happy Saturday

  • Tisha Berg

    Hi Ingrid!
    This is a great topic to tackle especially for new bloggers or (ahem) easily distractable (is that a word?) bloggers like myself. I currently have a third blog after two attempts at finding my voice and feeling that I was getting it all wrong – trying too hard to sound like others that I was reading or at least stay within what I thought was “the zone” of my niche. The good thing is that I’m always assessing and re-assesing, so if I feel something isn’t working I’m pretty quick to change direction. I know some might see that as flakiness, but I think it’s exactly as you said:

    “The more you write, the more you become comfortable. Our work and our voice continuously evolves”

    So even though I’m still sorting my voice out, the important thing is that I keep trying and each attempt brings me a little bit closer to that sweet spot, so to speak.

    You are definitely an inspiration in that direction because as Marcus noted above, you have certainly injected this blog through and through with your charming voice and style…

    Thanks for a great post and some much needed inspiration to keep chugging along and keeping the faith that reveal itself in its own time.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Tisha and welcome :)

      I think reading others work is a big help – but trying to mimic their voice won’t sound as natural to you when you read it out loud to yourself. I think it’s just a matter of time before we become comfortable with the way we sound online. In my case – I’d like to think that I sound the exact same offline as well. As I reply to you here via written words – I can hear myself saying this the exact same way to you as if we were hanging out somewhere grabbing a bite to eat. To me – it’s conversation. Talk with your readers and not at them. Talk the way you would to a friend or a group.

      But again – reading a lot from a great variety of bloggers and even authors helps you find your own voice.

      I always say that I write for myself first. And though this is true – I do have a pretty good idea of my audience. I know they want to feel like an actual human is talking to them and not a robot. They want to know that the person behind the blog is just like them; that they feel like them, that they love and hurt like them, that they’re happy and sad like them.

      I would definitely say to continue writing – and writing a lot. Practice makes almost perfect and it will lead you to your true voice – the one you want people to know you as – the one that’s unique only to you, the one that makes you stand out as a person, the one that’s genuine and authentic.

      Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. They really mean a lot and it’s comments like yours which motivate me even more to continue what I’m doing. This journey would definitely NOT be as enjoyable and as exciting and rewarding would it not be for engaging people such as yourself.

      Your voice will come – I have no doubt. Mine did and yet it continues to evolve and hopefully get better with time and practice.

      I hope to see you around these parts more often Tisha. Welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts here.

      Have a great day.

  • Anonymous

    Hello there Ingrid, my apologies for being so late to the party when all my friends are already here! Very naughty of me, but I usually arrive fashionably late anyway so why change the habit? 😉

    Seriously, I read your Super Sunday post before this one and I saw your mention of my guest post on Danny’s site, very kind of you! It was fun writing that one, the words flowed out. Actually, now that I think about it, that was the first time in a long time when I couldn’t stop myself from writing, even if I wanted to. I love it when that happens 😉

    As for this post, I agree with the topic, it’s one that has many (if not all) bloggers scratching their heads and wondering how they sound to the outside world. We all want to be us YET we want to be accepted by others and lauded for our talents. How can we do this, how can we balance the two aspects?

    My opinion? Keep using your voice, because your voice is going to change anyway.

    Just as we hit puberty and our voice breaks, our blogging voice changes as we gain more experience and knowledge. My voice has changed so much since I started blogging 6 months ago, it’s amazing to look back at my first post and wander, “Is that me? I hardly recognise this man!” It’ll happen to everyone who blogs, so embrace the changes and grow more and more. And then some more. Because the growth never stops 😉

    So let’s all hit puberty once again and change our voices! Let’s all grow together :-)

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Stuart,
      You never need to apologize for being late cause you’re never late on this blog. The party is still going and I’m always happy to listen and respond to what folks have to say :).

      As for being fashionably late – I think you and I will get a long very well in that case ;). I often think that expression was intended for me haha.

      As for your post over at Danny’s – I loved it! But then again – you know that since it was in my SuperPost this past Sunday ;). You really did a heck of a job and you have a wonderful way with words. I’ve been visiting your blog more and more often lately and I really like what I see. Keep rockin’ it.

      You’re right about our voices changing – at least that’s what I think as well. Mine has definitely evolved since I wrote my first few. We become more comfortable with ourself online, our writing style and our audience. I write for me first but I have a good idea of my audience and I try and make sure that my words are for them as well. That they will read them the way I intended them to sound. The way I actually sound that is.

      I love your analogy about puberty. Funny thing is that I thought of that at one point as well :).

      I would say that I recognize myself in my older posts – but I’m sure glad that my writing has evolved. Knowing the direction you’re going in also helps I think.

      You’re so right again – the growth never stops and it would be awesome if we could all do it together. That’s what makes blogging all the more enjoyable. It’s a continuous learning experience.

      Thanks for this great comment Stuart. It’s a pleasure to have you here and I hope to see you around these parts more often.

      Happy Friday

  • Gabriele Maidecchi

    I think the best way to find your voice is to actually use it when you write. And I mean, write for the people and not for the search engines, not at the start at least. Write following your flow of ideas, I usually jot down some mindmap for the post, then write it in words, I am done with a post in 20 minutes if not less. Then I re-read it over and over, fix the mistakes, swap some word, and at the end, if the purpose of the post is getting traction from search engines (it’s not always the case though), I do some SEO for some relevant keywords. But to me, this is kinda secondary.
    If you don’t write going with your personal, inner flow, you’ll just write for the machines, and that’s not a good way to find your voice.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Gabriele,

      I would agree 100% with you when saying write for the people and not the search engines. I would also say – first and foremost – writer for yourself. Heck, I wouldn’t even know how to write for the search engines. I’ve never tried – never done a keyword search – never done any SEO except fill in the tag words and that’s about it. I’m the writing kind of blogger and though I’m learning a little of the techie stuff – very slowly – I still focus on my words – the way I want them to sound not the way I want crawlers to find them. I often forget those little buggers exist. So in a way – I’m kinda happy to see how far this blog has come along without any SEO.

      Mindmapping is a fantastic way to do things. I always say that I want to use that system more often. I use to but now I just start writing – or scribbling ideas and bullets in my notebook that I can come back to.

      20 minutes is pretty impressive :)! I don’t think I’ve accomplished that timing either. My posts take quite some time to write – even if they’re not too long. I’d say easily an hour or more for each. Usually more. Besides writing – I’m rather picky or anal when it comes to proofing and editing it 100 times over before pressing publish. Sure – there will always be mistakes that I miss but it has to sound perfect in my ears. It has to sound like me when I read it out loud.

      Thanks for your input here. Good of you to stop by with that comment. Appreciated.



      • Gabriele Maidecchi

        Well yeah I don’t really always mindmap in its strict meaning, it can be a map or just some notes jotted down on paper, or some ideas written on Evernote and so on. I am kinda dynamic when it comes to that.
        20 minutes is just to write the very dirty draft, then it takes me more to clean up but it’s just a matter of re-reading and adapting and basically editing a bit. From 20 minutes I can go well over a hour, especially when I am being picky about selecting the right image to pair to my post.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Gabriele,

      I would agree 100% with you when saying write for the people and not the search engines. I would also say – first and foremost – writer for yourself. Heck, I wouldn’t even know how to write for the search engines. I’ve never tried – never done a keyword search – never done any SEO except fill in the tag words and that’s about it. I’m the writing kind of blogger and though I’m learning a little of the techie stuff – very slowly – I still focus on my words – the way I want them to sound not the way I want crawlers to find them. I often forget those little buggers exist. So in a way – I’m kinda happy to see how far this blog has come along without any SEO.

      Mindmapping is a fantastic way to do things. I always say that I want to use that system more often. I use to but now I just start writing – or scribbling ideas and bullets in my notebook that I can come back to.

      20 minutes is pretty impressive :)! I don’t think I’ve accomplished that timing either. My posts take quite some time to write – even if they’re not too long. I’d say easily an hour or more for each. Usually more. Besides writing – I’m rather picky or anal when it comes to proofing and editing it 100 times over before pressing publish. Sure – there will always be mistakes that I miss but it has to sound perfect in my ears. It has to sound like me when I read it out loud.

      Thanks for your input here. Good of you to stop by with that comment. Appreciated.



  • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

    To tell you the truth Griddy, I’d really like to tackle two different topics here. The first has to do with that powerful paragraph in the beginning regarding our desires to help our fellow blogging friends succeed. But considering I’ve already left enough little comments on here and you’re likely going to ban me from your site now, I’ll just focus a little on ‘voice’.

    I think it’s cool you whisper the words for your articles. I’ve never done that before…but it sounds like a great little practice. And I can clearly envision you doing it, as you write, as I mentioned above in my comment to Bill, exactly like you talk— which is also why your fan base is so very strong and loyal and interactive. Your blog exudes your personality. It drips from every word. And this is good.

    One other little point. You talked about how much you LOVE writing. I thought that was cool. And not to be redundant, but it shows in all your stuff. Whether its an article of yours or one of a hundred replies to comments on a post– you seem to write with this smile all the time. And it makes your readers, people like me, smile as well. Plus you’re a rr, so that’s doesn’t hurt the laughs either 😉

    Well I’ll go now, but thanks so very much for mentioning me here G. It was kind….really kind actually. I’m just honored to be your friend and to be able to grow in all of this together. After all, 1 + 1= 11, right? 😉


    • Bill Dorman

      And of course the first thought that came to mind when she was whispering the words it was in an intriguing Lebanese accent………totally different than what ol’ Billy Bob sounds like………..:)

      • Ingrid Abboud

        LOL Bill! :)

        I’m afraid I’m gonna’ disappoint you and say that I actually have a very American accent when I speak. But I can totally imitate the Lebanese one (very well) and a couple others so no worries – I’ll make sure to turn those on if and when you hear me one day hahaha.

        I talk London (as in English in general) very best my friend!
        Make sure to roll the R when you read that hahaha.

        • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

          Wait you say Rs now after those years spent in Boston?

          • Ingrid Abboud

            Of course not – but if I had to imitate the Lebanese English – then I would hehe :). I haven’t said those R’s that way since I was 8. You know – 15 years ago that is Muwahahaha

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey M,

      I have no intention of ever banning you from this site my friend! Actually – if you eve decide to take a leave of absence from here – you can be sure that I will stalk you and harass you until you come back!!! So don’t even think about it pal!!!

      Glad we’re clear on that!! lol 😉

      You should definitely try it. I know you’ll sound like RR but then again – it actually works. Well – it does for me. I literally voice each word out (or mumble) as I type it.

      I think when you love something – it’s evident. When I talk about blogging to certain friends – they can tell that I love it – regardless that they don’t know the first thing about it. But it seems my eyes light up and I just can’t stop talking when I start. They always tell me – Ingrid – that’s it. That’s what you need to do with your life – you’ve found your calling now make some money from it will you!


      As for mentioning you here – how could I not?! You gave me this week’s topic and it’s only normal that I credit you for the idea. I’m a firm believer in giving credit where it’s due and showcasing those folks I admire who have supported me in some way or other. Heck, I will showcase them if they deserve it regardless whether they know who I am or not.

      I’m honored to be your friend too and I look forward to continuing this journey with you for many years to come. You better not forget me when you’re famous okay?!

      Talk to ya later t…d


    • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

      Marcus as long as I am not banned you have nothing to worry about! I like to be first in everything. Well at least to refill my cocktail and getting banned from blogs.

      • Ingrid Abboud

        That word isn’t in my blogging dictionary – sorry Howie :)!
        You should count on chilling over here for some time to come lol 😉

  • Bill Dorman

    And a lovely voice you have; it was interesting to hear your perspective on your earlier writings. Especially since they will always be out there somewhere, right?

    At one time I used to be a frequent letter writer. I don’t know if it shaped my blogging efforts; but like you sometimes the thoughts keep coming and I just keep writing. I jokingly called them novels.

    I laughed when you said you read your words out loud. I have done that to see what it sounds like……..

    Maybe TMI, but sometimes I will experience a wide range of emotions when I write and don’t know if it translates to paper, but I’m certainly feeling it at the time.

    What you read of mine will definitely be my voice, but I’m still working to bring some depth to it; similar to what you and Marcus are able to do so eloquently……..I want to be like you guys when I grow up….:).

    I too read not only a lot but a wide variety of stuff; I use it as a way to pull stories together, inspiration, etc. I always have ideas for posts but just need to have a better way of recording my thoughts at the time before they slip away.

    Of course the final step is actually taking the time to sit down, collect my thought and write…..

    I will close by saying “feel free to jump in whenever necessary and save me from myself” anytime, anywhere.

    Thanks so much for everything.

    • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

      I gotta tell ya Bill, you’re really starting to grow on me with every new comment I read of yours. In fact, I now make sure to read your comments when I’m on another blog, because you’re like a box of chocolates…in a good way 😉

      But I wanted to thank you for what you said about the way Griddy and I write. In fact, to pick on her for a moment, I think she has the uncanny ability to make you feel like she’s right there next to you when you’re reading her stuff.

      This is what attracted me to her blog in the first place because honestly, I find she is ‘the model’ for what a true ‘writer’s voice’ should sound like when blogging.

      And to tell you the truth Bill, you’re pretty dang good yourself. And no, I’m not blowing smoke here. You are. Just hope you realize that too. 😉

      Keep smiling brother,


      • Ingrid Abboud

        I would have to agree with you there Mufasa.
        I always look forward to Bill’s comments as well :).

        And THANK YOUUUU for what you said here about me. You know that I feel the exact same way about you and your writing. You really flatter me as I take what you said as a great compliment my dear friend.

        I always like to think that if you’re reading an article of mine it would sound the same way as if I was sitting with you having a conversation. It’s just me.

        You rock Mufasa. You really do!

        • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

          Ingrid your community is a bigger lovefest than Gini’s just don’t tell her!

          • Ingrid Abboud

            Of course I won’t! Sshhhhhh 😉
            Although I’d definitely disagree – but again – Sshhhhhh 😉

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Howdy Bill :),

      First and foremost – thank you :)))).

      I use to love writing letters as well. Some to people and some to myself in my little diary hehe. But in all seriousness – it’s an interesting point you bring up here. I lived abroad a long time – and at a time when the internet was still not around really – I was reaaaaallllllly young :). So I did a ton of letters to my friends and family.

      As for reading my words out loud – I really do that. When I type – I whisper them or mouth them out. But once I’m done – I read my posts out loud a few times when I’m editing it. It sounds silly maybe – but it works for me. Just think – as I reply to you hear – I’m talking to myself haaha.

      Once again – thanks so much for that wonderful compliment to me and Marcus. I love it when people want to be when they grow up ahhahaha. Although – you do know that I’m a kid right?! Shhhhhh that’s what I’m sticking to okay?! lol 😉

      I have no intention from saving you from yourself – you’re doing a heck of a job and I’m seriously looking forward to reading your next post SOON I hope :).

      Thanks so much for all that you do and are in this community.

      Have a great Friday.

      PS – as for saving your ideas – you’re gonna’ laugh at me for being a nerd – by I write things down in a little notebook that I carry around. Seriously – it works. And if I’m in front of the computer – I start a new draft – put a title and a bunch of bullets so that I can come back to it later. Hence – my 70 plus drafts hahaha.

  • Erica Friedman

    I started blogging back when it was more common for a blog to be a diary (with music and mood emoticons.) I blogged in my only voice – the voice is use as a professional and personally. I’ve worked hard to keep a consistent voice rather than have different personas for different parts of my life.

    My blog was 1/3 info, 1/3 opinion and 1/3 insight – 9 years later it is still the same.

    I am always me. It keeps my voice – and my messaging – consistent and clear.

    • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

      You’ve been blogging for 9 years Erica?? WOW. That’s amazing! I’m really, really impressed. :-)

      • Ingrid Abboud

        I’m impressed too! WOW!
        I’ve been blogging on paper my whole life but I don’t even think I was familiar with blogs 9 years ago – well definitely not the way I am now.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Erica,

      Wow – 9 years! That’s pretty incredible. I think I started blogging when I learned how to talk haha. Well on paper that is.

      It’s pretty amazing how your voice hasn’t changed since. Would you say that your first posts are similar to the ones you write today – same style or tone?

      As for me – mine definitely have some kind of resemblance in that they sound like me – but I’ve definitely improved and become more comfortable with sharing a little more as long as it’s related to my topic that is.

      Being YOU is what matters most. No one else can copy that the exact same way. I like to know that when you read my posts they would sound exactly like me if I were to stand in front of you and have a conversation.

      Thanks a lot for stopping by and sharing. Much appreciated.
      Hope to see you here more often.

  • The JackB

    It took me about 5 years of blogging, but I found it. Write, write and write some more.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Practice makes close to perfect eh?!
      Agreed on writing and writing some more :).

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Practice makes close to perfect eh?!
      Agreed on writing and writing some more :).

  • Anonymous

    You’ve been reading my drafts folder! LOL!

    Last week Marlee Ward set me a challenge to create a writing/teaching plan showing her how she could actually learn how to write like she talks. I posted it live on Monday – I’d publish a link here for ya….but sometimes posting a link at someone’s house is like letting your dog take a crap in their front yard – NOT WELCOME.

    So if you wanna check it out – the post is called Lessons for Content Marketers From Tiger Woods Part 4 – Marlee’s Challenge.

    And it’s absolutely crucial that people create a ‘voice’ when they write that their readers recognize. It helps with the whole Like/Trust/Expertise equation -and everyone speaks differently right? So as you point out, they should write differently than the next guy or gal. And MOST importantly, they should write like themselves.


    PS writing a blog post like Hemingway would work. Writing one like Edgar Allen Poe would be freaking hilarious. I’m sorely tempted to take that up as a challenge (it’s the kind of writing exercise that seriously busts your chops!)

    • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

      Paul, I gotta tell ya man, you are one heck of a writer, and the passion you have for helping others write really, really shows. I’m going to check out that post and about what you said at the bottom….I think that’s actually a cool thing to do. Not that I’m saying we should write like Poe necessarily, but at least change things up. I try (keyword being ‘try’) to do that myself sometimes.

      • Anonymous


        I think I mentioned this ‘exercise’ in one of my articles on writing – I called it ‘method writing.’ (You know – method acting is where you get into character, method writing is the same, except you write as a famous author.) It’s something that I want to seriously try out – at the moment it’s mostly theoretical – because I think there would be two great benefits.

        Firstly you’d have to read a lot of the author you were modelling – and then analyze how that writer was putting words together. (So you’d get to do a bunch of reading, and then some analysis).
        And second the act of putting together a post or article – or better, a series of them – in the style of that author would really be good for your writing chops….you’d deliberately be writing in a different tone and using different vocabulary, sentence length, etc etc.

        And then anything that you liked you could devise exercises for so that you could assimilate it and incorporate it into your own writing at a subconscious level. (This is how jazz musicians develop a vocabulary for playing jazz btw).

        The Poe exercise ***WOULD**** be freaking hilarious. The only thing holding me back from trying it out is that it would mean having to read a bunch of Poe….and back in the day when I read a lot fo horror fiction I didn’t find his stories accessible or interesting. Can’t see that that’s changed. And now I’m older and wiser I’m not sure there would be a good ROI for that investment of time….

        As to helping others – that’s what teachers do, they teach. Plus here’s the secret reason that teachers teach, something that I should whisper down a well at midnight so no-one should hhear, but EVERY TIME YOU TEACH SOMEONE AND GO THROUGH THE PROCESS YOURSELF YOU LEARN MORE THAN THE STUDENT.

        Oopppsss….did I spill the secret?


        PS ‘dang it’ as you would say, now I gotta go turn this into at least one post. Maybe two! And I’m supposed to be doing bass guitar stuff today!

        • Anonymous

          Some more thoughts on Method Writing (Like about 3000 words!)

          • Ingrid Abboud

            Thanks Paul :))).
            3000 words is cool with me lol.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          I was just over at your blog reading your piece on method writing that you shared – LOVED IT!!!!

          As for the concept of method writing – I had to do quite a bit of it high school so I am familiar – or at least was – with trying to write like different authors. But I will leave that comment for your blog :).

          Cheers Paul
          And thanks for this exceptional comment to Marcus and the rest of us.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hiya Paul,

      If you were to see my drafts folder – I think you’d fall over laughing! There’s over 70 unfinished posts in there – it’s pretty funny and sad really haha.
      But yes – it’s time to change your password – seriously – “coolguitardude” was way too easy to decipher hehehe ;).

      When it comes to comments like yours – and people like you – I have no problem with you leaving a relevant link in the comments. You’re more than welcome to do so :). It’s one thing leaving a comment with a related link to an article and it’s another for someone to just stop by with a quick drive by and a random link. So by all means – share away :).

      Either way – I’m definitely gonna’ check it out – you’ve officially sparked my curiosity with both your theme and title :).

      You’re spot on about the like/trust/expertise factors. When we get use to someone we like – we begin to trust them – and with that comes credibility. It would really be difficult for me or you or anyone for that matter to sound like someone else. And I’ll say it again – why would we? Heck, I’m kinda proud of the personality I have and I love that it can be portrayed a little through my words.

      As for writing a blog post like Poe – I would love to see you take that on haha. Or maybe you could do a combination of the two – like a “The Raven and the Sea” hehehe. Heck, if anyone could pull that one off and relate it to their blogging theme somehow – they’re golden.

      Ahhh the good old days – oddly enough – I use to know The Raven by heart back in high school now I can barely remember 5 or 6 lines and of course the famous opening 2 and “nevermore” :).

      Thanks for taking the time to join the conversation Paul. Much appreciated.
      Have a good week.

      PS – feel free to come back with that link.
      PS #2 – when I started writing as a kid – it was poems. That’s how I fell in love with writing – poetry.

      • Anonymous
        • Ingrid Abboud

          Thank you Paul :).
          Will be on way there soon!

      • davinabrewer

        I’d like to raid both of your drafts folders. That is all. 😉

        • Howie at Sky Pulse Media

          I bet there are many drafts on Ancient Greenland Civilizations, How to best Beer Bong, and the Spotted Tree Frog: Friend or Foe. Powerful stuff indeed Davina! Definitely not for the cautious.

          • Ingrid Abboud

            OMG Howie – how do you know about my Beer Bong one. Actually it’s a compare and contrast between beer bong and spotted tree frogs – good stuff!!! And I’ve even managed to relate it to blogging and bloggers who blog about blogging while playing beer pong! hahaha

        • Ingrid Abboud

          LOL Davina
          You’re welcome to try but you might gasp when you see that I wasn’t kidding about how many there are.

  • John Falchetto

    I don’t think we I have found mine. Its a process, something that is consistently getting tweaked. Of course I am not going to start writing like a rap singer or a university professor, but as you quote Hemingway, it is an unfinished canvas.

    Griddy, you also make an excellent point it has to be us. I wouldn’t be able to write like you or like Marcus or Gini or anyone else. We all have different personalities and these show through our words and our writing. Our writing voice is really tied to who we are, what we believe in and what we enjoy reading.

    So I guess the question in a sense is how did we find out who we are?

    Again, its an ongoing process, right?

    Yala, off to go harass Orange so I can get my internet line back home.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey John,

      I don’t think I’ll be writing like a rap singer anytime soon either haha. Although it would be interesting to try and relate it to social media somehow ;).

      I think although I found mine – it continues to evolve. Like you said – it’s a process.
      As for the quote – I’m gonna’ disappoint you and say that it wasn’t Hemingway who said it. It was that blogger girl Ingrid Abboud :). That one and all the one’s I highlighted here. After reading them within the text – I thought it would be cool to place them in quotes so as to highlight them. Hope you’re not too upset haha. So unless someone else has said the exact same thing (without me knowing of course or else I would have credited them) then you say I said so lol.

      And it seems we agree in that no one else can write like you, or me, or Gini, or Marcus or XXXX…I think many will as well.

      As for who we are – well, that would require another blog post or even book for that matter. But I think I’ll leave existentialism and it’s many theories to writers such as JP Sartre and Albert Camus lol.

      But you’re right – our writing voice and who we are go hand in hand.

      Oh, and about Orange – I’ve harassed them a few times – I’m sure they must be use to it by now haha. Either way – good luck!

      Mille merci pour that great comment ya John. Always a pleasure to hear from you my friend.
      Have a great day tomorrow.


    • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

      That’s a great point John. Comparing ourselves to others, and then trying to write like them, simply ain’t gonna work. But if I may be straight with you for a second, I’ve noticed your voice developing over the months since I’ve met you. You’re becoming a better and better writer. Not that you were at all sub-par before, but now you’re really become JF, if that makes any sense. So keep it up bud. :-)

      • Ingrid Abboud

        I would agree with Mufasa here in that your voice has evolved since your first post. But then again – I would say that for all of my favorite bloggers that I read. It’s only natural for us to evolve and become better at what we do if we continuously do it and do so with our heart.

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  • Judy Dunn

    Great topic here, Ms. nittygriddy. I love the distinction between “claiming” your voice vs. “finding” it. In fact. I wrote on that topic over at For Bloggers, By Bloggers a month or so ago.

    When people in my blogging classes ask me how I found my voice, I tell them it turned up under the couch cushion with that slipper sock that went missing. : )

    Seriously, confidence does have something to do with it. But what helped me the most was reading. A LOT. I tried on bits and pieces of other writers’ voices until I discovered mine. And the reading was not just other blogs, but authors of books—Mary Karr, Natalie Goldberg, and others.

    So, yes, I wholeheartedly agree that reading—wide and far—is key.

    I like, “Write like you talk. Without the ‘uh’s’ and ‘um’s'”.

    Excellent stuff here. : )

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Judy,

      Great of you to stop by and leave that fantastic comment. I appreciate it a lot.
      So I just went hunting to find your post on this topic in For Bloggers, By Bloggers :). It was on November 2nd to be precise :). And I’m glad I did – cause I LOVED it!

      We covered a couple similar points actually so I now I feel good – phewwww hehehe. It also seems we think alike when it comes to never having “lost” our voice :).

      “When people in my blogging classes ask me how I found my voice, I tell them it turned up under the couch cushion with that slipper sock that went missing.” – I couldn’t stop laughing at what you said here. I wish I would have quoted you and linked to that post :).

      And you couldn’t be more right about reading A LOT. It helps a heck of a lot – at least it did me. I do a ton of reading during the week and I try to spread my wings so as to see different styles and tones. But at the end – like you said – we discover our own. There’s only so much mimicking we can do. At some point it just has to come naturally – it has to flow.

      I haven’t read any book by the two authors you mentioned although I am familiar with Mary Karr’s name. I will make sure to look into them more :). I love learning and discovering new authors.

      As for writing like we talk. In all honesty – I realized that it comes naturally to me. Whether people like it or not is a different story lol. But it works for me and it really shows a more human side to the blogger – not to mention making the content easier to read and digest – without the “ummms” of course haha. Except in the comments – I use them in those but in a humorous way.

      Can you imagine what this blog post would have sounded like had I written it in essay or dissertation style? Yikes ;)!

      Once again – thanks so much for your input here. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed this post. Coming from an exceptional writer/blogger such as yourself – I’m honored.

      Enjoy the rest of your week.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hey Judy,

      Great of you to stop by and leave that fantastic comment. I appreciate it a lot.
      So I just went hunting to find your post on this topic in For Bloggers, By Bloggers :). It was on November 2nd to be precise :). And I’m glad I did – cause I LOVED it!

      We covered a couple similar points actually so I now I feel good – phewwww hehehe. It also seems we think alike when it comes to never having “lost” our voice :).

      “When people in my blogging classes ask me how I found my voice, I tell them it turned up under the couch cushion with that slipper sock that went missing.” – I couldn’t stop laughing at what you said here. I wish I would have quoted you and linked to that post :).

      And you couldn’t be more right about reading A LOT. It helps a heck of a lot – at least it did me. I do a ton of reading during the week and I try to spread my wings so as to see different styles and tones. But at the end – like you said – we discover our own. There’s only so much mimicking we can do. At some point it just has to come naturally – it has to flow.

      I haven’t read any book by the two authors you mentioned although I am familiar with Mary Karr’s name. I will make sure to look into them more :). I love learning and discovering new authors.

      As for writing like we talk. In all honesty – I realized that it comes naturally to me. Whether people like it or not is a different story lol. But it works for me and it really shows a more human side to the blogger – not to mention making the content easier to read and digest – without the “ummms” of course haha. Except in the comments – I use them in those but in a humorous way.

      Can you imagine what this blog post would have sounded like had I written it in essay or dissertation style? Yikes ;)!

      Once again – thanks so much for your input here. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed this post. Coming from an exceptional writer/blogger such as yourself – I’m honored.

      Enjoy the rest of your week.

  • Dino Dogan

    I went to a Cornell West lecture in U of A abt 2 weeks ago…and he sed it concisely. Be a misfit. I love the sentiment of that message. I wont say anything else about it…just be a misfit.

    • Ingrid Abboud

      Be a misfit eh? Huh – didn’t think of that one Dino. Interesting approach I have to say. In that case – I will try and do my best ;).

      Thanks for that new perspective – very cool.
      Cheers Dogan

      • Ricardo Bueno

        I read that advice as having the courage to have an opinion. To stand apart from the status quo…to challenge the status quo.

        • Ingrid Abboud

          Having an opinion is always a good thing. And having the courage to voice it with confidence and good ways to back it up is even better. As long as it’s an honest one and that people are just playing devil’s advocate for the heck of it every time. Just my thoughts :).

          Thanks a lot for taking the time to stop by and share your 2 cents on this Ricardo. Appreciated :).
          Happy Friday.


    • Marcus Sheridan,The Sales Lion

      I’m diggin that dino….but do you think he meant be a misfit like in the movie ‘Rudolph’?? 😉 (btw, still lovin that 300 post of yours today. Way good man)

      • Dino Dogan

        He meant it as in be your true self. Whatever that means.

        Ive never seen Rudolph the movie so if that was a joke, sorry brother, I didnt get it :-)

        btw..the post was written by Stan aka @Faryna He deserves all the credit :-)

        • Ingrid Abboud

          I gotta tell ya – I loved @Faryna’s 300 post as well Dino. Great stuff!
          Plus – any anology that has Gerard Butler in there somewhere is always an added plus hahaha. Kidding.

          But seriously – Stan did a heck of a job – very original take.
          I’m not sure if I’ve seen Rudolph either – except for the reindeer of course – him I see every year hehe.


      • Ingrid Abboud

        Hey Mufasa,
        I was just telling Dino how I loved that post from @Faryna as well. An interesting and innovative approach.

        Mufasa – the only Rudolph I know is the reindeer :). And that passe actor Lundgren or something guy hihi.

    • Brankica U

      OK, so now we know what she does in her life….

      I mean come on, Dino went to listen to a lecture, yeah right… I am glad he went to see it though 😛

      I have no voice cause I keep yelling too much :) Great one Ingrid….

      • Ingrid Abboud

        LOL Bran :)

        Glad you liked this one. And I hear you yelling. Seriously – start with the Strepsil’s already will ya?! haha

        Cheers Monkey

  • Michael Newton

    This post is rather timely for me, as it is particularly relevant to my current development as a blogger. I’m fortunate enough to know what I’m passionate about, and I love writing, but I still haven’t hit that “sweet spot” yet.

    I know that when I do, I’m really going to be able to bring it!

    Thanks for writing this, Ingrid.


    • Ingrid Abboud

      Hi Michael,

      I really think it’s just a matter of time. The voice I have today has greatly evolved compared to what it was a year ago when I was writing my first few posts.

      The fact that you already know what you’re passionate about is a huge plus – I think the words begin to flow much faster than we think at times – at least they did for me. But like I said – a ton of practice and another ton of reading is always a great thing.

      Thanks for dropping by here today and sharing. Hope to see you around these parts more often.

      Happy Friday to ya.